Good Profile! UnCool! 
FFR Player
FFR Rank:50,761
FFR Average Rank:59,474
FFR Grandtotal Rank:11,757
FFR Grandtotal:837,325,515
FFR Games Played:4,286
Location:Ontario, Canada
Last Activity:05-06-2012
Member for: 18.85 years
Gaming Region:Canada
Profile Views: 841
Profile Votes:6
Referred Users: 1
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amiyuna's Details
About me:
Hellooo! My name is Vee and I'm 19 years old. Amiyuna was such an old username that I used. I made this account when I was like 12 or something, lol. Anyways, I'm a Vietnamese-Canadian (I was born and raised in Canada. Vietnamese descent). I'm going to college for video game design and hoping to open my own company one day :P
Pandas! :D cake, gaming, music, art, fashion, swimming.
Fav Music:
I listen to a lot of things. From pop to metal to dubstep.
Fav Movies:
I don't watch a lot of movies but I love: - Iron Man - The Avengers - Inception - Inglourious Basterds - Pulp Fiction - Crazy, Stupid, Love. - Slumdog Millionaire annnnd a bit more haha
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Comment wall
-=:Kaigaishii:=- writes...
at 3:10:56pm on 2/23/07
Arigato gozaimasu for the comment! :DD
LOL >;3 we shall make kakashi rule the WORLD! fwahaha... x]
Synthlight writes...
at 12:33:23pm on 8/4/05
First person to post on your wall.
