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Random Thoughts
Posted on: October 22, 2008, at 09:05:36am   [5 comments]

page 4 of chapter 2
Posted on: September 15, 2008, at 05:12:22pm   [2 comments]
“Jack what are you doing here? Where is my- Jack why is my lion like this?” she asked looking at her dead animal.

“Yeah um I kind of killed it on accident. I am going to do something about it! That’s why I am here. To talk to you about something, love.” I explained very quickly looking at winter as her face got fierce and relaxed.

“I see. So why do you want to talk to me and how do you think you are going to bring my lion back to live again Jack?” she asked jumping in the tree and looking at me.

“I know of a spell, that bring the dead back. But there is a bit of a catch. I have to bring back of a deadly demon that made the spell. I don’t know if Danyellu would like it if I brought him back as a vampire.” I explained sitting on the ground looking at her.

“Wait you know that I am half demon and you met my demon as well?” she asked jumping down from the tree sitting on the floor looking at my worried.

“Yeah, she told me that the lion was her lover. And she would let me bring him back. But I don’t have this spell you see. So, I asked her to come with me for the spell. But, I didn’t think it would be right if you didn’t know about it,”

“She really is that desperate to get him back. Well I guess anyone would be desperate to have their loved ones back in their arms or back with them,” Winter said smirking at me, “but I guess I will come with you. It will be fun. It will be adventure. It will be……..the starting of your life or death after today!”

page 3 of chapter 2
Posted on: September 15, 2008, at 05:11:43pm   [1 comment]
She was partly demon so she wouldn’t be able to remember things? Was this just a trick as well? Was she just trying to get me really mad and kill her? The demon must hate Winter. The demon must want me to kill her.

“Really?” I asked smirking at the demon, “What is the reason you are killing me exactly?”

“You killed my true friend and lover. You killed him and now I must kill you.” She answered pushing the sword closer to my neck almost cutting it.

“And what if I said I would bring your lover to life and would never kill him again if you don’t kill me?” I asked still smirking at her.

“Impossible. You can’t bring the dead back unless you use the spell that brings back the deadly demon that made the spell. Or you make my lover a vampire. Which I truly hate you vampire freaks.” She answered lifting her sword down and looking at me with red tinted eyes.

“Well I would do the spell but I don’t know it. I would have to go traveling to go get it to bring back your love. Mrs.…?”

“Danyellu Mayu is my name and I am not a “Mrs.”! I am Ms. Got it?” she asked smiling at me.

“Yes ma’am! But I have two requests from you if you would like your lover back.” I responded looking at Danyellu.

“And what would that be? Money, happiness, someone dead?” she asked.

“The first is that you come with me to get the spell. The second,” I crossed my arms and looked at the woman, “I want you to not make me try to kill you. I know Winter is your host and if I kill you I am killing Winter. So for all the both of us, please don’t.”

“Fine. I will come and not make me try to make you kill me.” She replied stepping a few steps away from me.

“But I want to talk to Winter about this as well Danyellu.” I said crossing my arms again and stared deeply in her eyes.


Danyellu hair started to get back to shoulder length. Her hair color started going back to the cute pixie looking neon blue with the black highlights. Her clothes went back to her shirt with black pants and boots. Her skin tone when back to normal and she was my little pixie again. My cute little cutie that is my friend forever and always.

Page 2 of Chapter 2!
Posted on: September 11, 2008, at 08:25:52am   [2 comments]
After I sat there in shock the girl walked out of the house. She was a cute one. She looked very familiar to me. Her hair was down too her shoulders and was layered. It was neon blue with dark blue and black highlights. Her eyes were teal blue and her skin was a caramel color. She was wearing a black band shirt which, to me, looked like a death metal band. Really nice black pants with writing on the either sides. And some knee high boots that have laces and buckles in the front.

“No. She can’t own one! That’s…that’s not right!” I whispered to myself to who I was looking at, “This is a dream. A really bad dream! She is not who owns this little animal!”

But I was wrong. It was my little pixie looking friend, Winter. She owned that little cub. She was its master. And I killed her pet. I killed it out just for my own hunger and for my own filling. How could I be so selfish? How could I do this to my friend? How did I even have the guts to even look at the little thing?

Winter started looking around for Slayer and started to get on her knees and crawl on the ground. She looked so cute, so innocent, and so pure. She was like the girl that anyone could like really. She was nice, outgoing, and really pretty.

After a few moments of her crawling she finally found her cub. Her eyes when purple and her hair grew all the way down to her mid back. The color was a dark purple with neon red highlights. Her skin went pale and her clothes melted on her skin. As if she was wearing a painted body suit. Her hands turned into claws with about 5 inch nails.

She held her pet up to her chest and smiled. She turned towards the tree and looked in my eyes. She started to walk towards the tree and snapped her fingers and the tree was on fire. I jumped out of the tree and looked at Winter. She was smiling at me. Not the way she did this afternoon. No, this was the smile of death.

“Winter. You are half demon aren’t you?” I asked looking at her.
“Yes. You are going to die though. You killed Slayer and Slayer would’ve loved to kill you himself if you didn’t brutally kill him.” She answered holding her hand out so my body comes in front of hers, “You really should have thought twice. You vampires don’t seem to do anything right now can you?

I couldn’t believe what I just heard. She just said the one thing I wouldn’t want her to say. How could she? Was everything she said this afternoon a lie? A lie to make me feel like I belong.

“So all that stuff you said this afternoon. Was that all just a little lie to make me feel happy?” I asked looking at her.

“I have no idea what you are talking about. I never talked to you this afternoon or even ever.” She answered pining me to a tree by the neck and held a sword to my neck.

Gory Demise by: Creature Feature
Posted on: September 3, 2008, at 05:10:16pm   [7 comments]

lol this is awesome! i like the beginning because well it's funny to me. hope you like the Mickey Mouse with the grim reaper theme X3

Comment wall
punisher1000 writes...
at 1:06:42am on 3/14/13
I havent heard from u in a long time and i havent been using ffr but i was thinking about our role playing from like years ago i miss u my facebook is powers , john
Salvation125 writes...
at 11:44:04pm on 6/12/11
Nice Banner!
NeonSky111 writes...
at 1:06:49pm on 3/14/11
Heyyy its been a while. How's life been treating you?
shadowtherapstar writes...
at 4:12:37am on 2/7/11
add me please
i guess you like shadow the hedgehog and rouge the bat, shadouge
punisher1000 writes...
at 11:05:15pm on 1/9/11
Hunterrr :) i misss u soo much i really hope u get back on at some point xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Timcanpy writes...
at 10:16:31pm on 10/26/10
Is Hellsing going to continue? Its been like a year since ep 7
punisher1000 writes...
at 8:33:41am on 7/14/09
missing you babe
drewdude197 writes...
at 2:50:33am on 2/13/09
Hello? You come on any more? TT_TT
Sterlingmagi writes...
at 4:45:35pm on 2/5/09
hey! are you still writing?
punisher1000 writes...
at 8:35:32pm on 12/6/08
happy birth day hunter hugs and kisses andmore and maybe a little nibble on the neck lol happy birth day sweetie
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