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FFR Rank:13,772
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FFR Games Played:8,149
Location:Miami, Florida, USA
Last Activity:05-25-2008
Forum Posts:10
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Member for: 19 years
Gaming Region:USA - Southeast
Profile Views: 2,600
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About me:
Sup~ I go by Jezz or Jezze. First off I would like to thank anyone who has the non-lazy balls to read this entire section, Lol~ I hate myspace but got it because I didnt want to lose contact with some people.~ Im laid back, nice, yet blunt. I NEVER follow trends, I try not to follow whats "in". I have many pictures so Im assuming its not necessary to describe the way I look. Im interested mainly in games, technology, music, politics, things of that sort. Im not TO fond of girls because they all tend to be the same [LIKE., OH. MY. GOD. LETS GO SHOPPING!!?!?!?1], so I mostly hang around guys [Dude...lets go hang out.. k~]. I like sleeping, sleeping is always fun. Travelings an awesome thing for me, ive only been to Italy and NY so far, but its truly amazing. Life is sometimes a mission for me but with patience [and The Walkmen] I beleive it can be overcome. :] I dont like emo people,[cool style though] i beleive EVERYONE has been through huge fuck ups, [I would know -_-] at some point and its not necesarry to kill yourself over it, just move the fuck on. I like going to sleep real late watching movies and eating gummy bears, I'm a fan of challenges, and will not deal with idiots or douche bags that beleive they are, "GANGASTARRRR". One person that has truly impacted my life probably more than anyone in this world so far would have to be my former Adv. History teacher, Mr.Reid. he tought me the truth of this world and how it works, and if I may say, its definetly something we have to work on. I despise it when my parents think Im a failure in school [I barely gets c's.. they take b's as c's and c's as f's]and hate it when my dad politically argues with me thinking all the yellow journalism he watches is correct when its NOT. I want to go to college already and study what my future career will be; Computer Software Engineering [with specialization in computer languages]. Im not the type of person that will obsess over a guy because of his looks. Im not hyperactive and loud but definetly not shy, either. I love sarcasm. [I dont see why so many people hate it =( Lol.) Nothing else to say, I Suppose~... I guess I'll put an end to this typing, hm? If anything, just aim me~ XxJv105xX
MUSIC. I cant live without it. Already reached 36 gigs of it. But besides that, hacking,playing mmorpg's and rpg's such as Kingdom hearts, FF7 ( the movie pwns o_O ) maplestory and counter strike..uh..drawing..and i also like sleeping ^^;;
Fav Music:
Electronica, House, Psychedelic Trance, Drum n Bass, Indie Alternative <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
Fav Movies:
Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children, Nightmare Before Christmas, Night at the Roxberry, etc.
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Comment wall
breakfast_club writes...
at 1:02:27pm on 11/3/10
animekid05 writes...
at 3:09:56am on 10/23/09
hey :D member me!! its been forever how you been hehe
TeknoRokr writes...
at 3:14:09pm on 8/28/08
Tonoku writes...
at 7:04:31pm on 8/26/08
You by far the coolest girl ive met in life on this ffr place =p Hope you continue living life the way you do, and never giveu pon dreams =p
By the way, Im Phil =D
saucyboy111 writes...
at 3:47:07pm on 4/15/08
u r hot
-Barista- writes...
at 2:33:50am on 1/27/08
'ello Jeniveve.
leeman91 writes...
at 5:06:14pm on 12/25/07
whats up
breakfast_club writes...
at 6:57:39pm on 11/21/07
Haha! I missed you. :]
animekid05 writes...
at 1:23:47pm on 11/13/07
jimii31 writes...
at 5:12:24pm on 11/3/07
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