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Last Activity:04-26-2015
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About me:
TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: Jack Birthday: June 5 Birthplace: Ft. Lauderdale Florida Current Location: Cumming Georgia Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Dark Brown Height: 6,1 Right Handed or Left Handed: Right Your Heritage: Italian, irish, scottish, French-Canadian Native american The Shoes You Wore Today: Vans Your Weakness: Being Tickled >< Your Fears: Flying Insects Your Perfect Pizza: Plain Cheese little greese Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: get a girlfriend, maybe Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: "..." Thoughts First Waking Up: CRAP!!!!! Your Best Physical Feature: My hair lol Your Bedtime: 10 on school days Your Most Missed Memory: my dad Pepsi or Coke: PEPSI!! MacDonalds or Burger King: wendys Single or Group Dates: single Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Tea sucks Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee sux too Do you Smoke: no Do you Swear: yes Do you Sing: Only if u consider screaming singing Do you Shower Daily: yes Have you Been in Love: yes Do you want to go to College: yes Do you want to get Married: yes Do you belive in yourself: yes Do you get Motion Sickness: only when tring to concentrate on text while moving Do you think you are Attractive: yes Are you a Health Freak: kinda Do you get along with your Parents: yes Do you like Thunderstorms: sure Do you play an Instrument: yes, Guitar and cello In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: no In the past month have you Smoked: no, smoking kills dammit In the past month have you been on Drugs: never, im the anti drug dude In the past month have you gone on a Date: no In the past month have you gone to a Mall: no &..39;In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:' ya In the past month have you eaten Sushi: no, im allergic, if i eat it i die.... In the past month have you been on Stage: no In the past month have you been Dumped: sortof In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: no In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no (is that a real question) Ever been Drunk: slightly Ever been called a Tease: no, but i probably am not meaning to Ever been Beaten up: no Ever Shoplifted: no thats just stupid How do you want to Die: after a long lived enjoyed life What do you want to be when you Grow Up: computer technical engineer What country would you most like to Visit: japan In a Boy/Girl.. Favourite Eye Color: blue/hazel/green Favourite Hair Color: brown Short or Long Hair: LONG Height: doesnt matter Weight: also doesnt matter Best Clothing Style: BLACK!!!!!! lol just nothing preppy Number of Drugs I have taken: Perkicept for pain relife when i had wisdom teeth removed Number of CDs I own: !$..%!%$????? idk too many Number of Piercings: none Number of Tattoos: none Number of things in my Past I Regret: many but i learned from them Your Psych-Ward diagnosis Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Diagnosis: (ADHD), formerly called hyperkinesis or minimal brain dysfunction, a chronic, neurologically based syndrome characterized by any or all of three types of behavior: hyperactivity, distractibility, and impulsivity. What type of kisser are you? Romantic kisser This kind of kisser will be a good husband or wife.
What kind of Muscle Car are You? 1973 Ford Gran Torino You are a 1973 Ford Gran Torino. You love Fords and hate Chevys....but you love seeing the look on their face when you smoke them on the road. Starsky and Hutch is your favorite show! Quizzes by computers, techy stuff, video games, racing games and shooters. What metal band are you? You are Opeth! You are very poetic with your lyrics, and your music flows like a waterfall. Your emotions change from angry to sad very quickly. Some people don't like you because you can sound too depressing. You're one of the best metal bands in the world, and you worship your fans! You Should Drive a Ford Shelby Mustang Cobra You have an extreme need for speed, even when you're not in a hurry. And while your flying by, you don't want to look like every other car on the road!
Fav Music:
Which Dead Rock Star Are You? Richey Edwards You are Richey James Edwards! You're a manic! You aren't too good when it comes to making music, but you're smart and can write well. You're honest and quiet, but different. You are beautiful! Oh, he disappeared in 1995 while on tour with his band Manic Street Preachers. What's your theme song? Disposable teens You're probably a little angsty, and this sardonic teen theme would be perfect to describe you. WHAT ROCK BAND R U?? SLIPKNOT AWSUME UR ONE OF THE GREATEST ROCK BANDS EVER! THEY KICK ASS! U LIKE LOUD MUSIC AND LIKE TO HEADBANG! U HATE PRESIDENT BUSH AND I DONT BLAME U!!! You scored as Thrash Metal. Survey says...Thrash Metal. Guitar solos, fast drumming and mosh pits are what it is for you. Metallica, Slayer, Pantera are all good bands for you too listen too. Thrash Metal 90% Metalcore 70% Hair Metal 60% Death Metal 40% Nu-Metal 30% Black Metal 30%
Fav Movies:
What SuPeR HeRo Would You Be? Superman You are strong, but a little on the shy side, you are talented. But a word of advice, don't go changing in telephone boths, you can get arrested!
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Synthlight writes...
at 8:55:46pm on 10/22/04
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