Good Profile! UnCool! 
FFR Player
FFR Average Rank:59,476
FFR Grandtotal Rank:266,776
FFR Grandtotal:21,603,325
FFR Games Played:191
Location:Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Last Activity:11-07-2008
Forum Posts:1
Member for: 15.75 years
Gaming Region:USA - New England
Profile Views: 429
Referred Users: 1
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Elle_Nocturne's Details
About me:
Hello. :] My name is Lindsay and I'm seventeen. I'm really really short. :[ About five foot two inches. I have light brown, shoulder length hair, which is currently blonde thanks to this past summer. I have big brown eyes, which change to a golden orange sometimes. I have an insane personality. And, my mood can change at the drop of a hat. I can be cute and bubbly one moment and evil and malicious the next. Most people like to be around me. And, almost everyone I know knows that I'm "real." If I don't like someone, I'll usually tell you. And, if you don't like me, please, do the same. Don't PM for pics. Just go to my myspace. :]
Well, I'm pretty boring when in comes to this. Basically, I just like surfin' the web. Posting on myspace, talking on the phone, chatting on msn. Just basic net stuff. At school I'm on the yearbook commitee. (Woo, fun?) Lol. I have fun with that, I guess. Basically, I just try to get through that place with as little involvement as possible.
Fav Music:
I listen to anything from screamo to classical. And anything in between. Electronic anything catches my fancy quite easily though.
Fav Movies:
The Lion King, enough said.
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Synthlight writes...
at 8:31:11pm on 9/12/08
First person to post on your wall.
