Thread: FFR Mods
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Old 12-19-2020, 09:55 PM   #27
nocturnal girl (〜✘﹏✘)〜
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Default Re: FFR Mods

If you want to interpret my words as a simple "shut the fuck up", I won't stop you and even if I wanted to, I know I can't. But it's not hard to not blow my words out of proportion (something you seem to be good at).

A new member of the community wanted advice about a game they wanted to play, and your only response to a genuine request for help was basically "don't play the game". All I intended to address was how it seems unnecessary to have your only advice be in a way that prevents someone from exploring another avenue of a hobby that we all share, to be honest.

I'm aware that my words also didn't meet the needs of the OP, but "shut the fuck up" doesn't exactly compare to me expressing why your suggestion didn't need to be made in the first place. That's all. I hope that clears at least one thing up.

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