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Old 03-9-2020, 06:25 PM   #4
gold stinger
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Default Re: Nov/Dec 2019 Set 2

Originally Posted by psychoangel691 View Post

Line-Theta (gold stinger) [*8.5/10]

22.793: this section, first, ok, YES but secondly. I'm not actually hearing why there's all these jumps that aren't on 4ths. I can sort of vaguely pick out some emphasis on a really low rate, but I'm not convinced at all that this translates well at 1x.

This note applies to its twin at around 73s too - these two sections (the one at the end, too, but that’s not as bad) combined are the difficulty peaks of this file, and justifiably so (musically), but I think that can still be the case even when the jumps/nasty patternings are toned down slightly.

-I can change to singles between 4th jumps for better taste. Not a problem.

45.295: OK normally I wouldn't write a comment like this, because the thing where only 1/2 note of a jump/hand is dedicated to color theory/accenting is pretty common in FFR. But, and this is going way above and beyond - matching the very high bar set by the rest of your file, if you're going to color theory this you might as well just accent the entire jump (and the 2 after) instead of having the split thing like this which is slightly less pleasant to read and play.

-Changed to just regular coloring. Personally not a fan of colorizing whole jumps in favor of vocals.

52.026: lol what do you think about making all these into making these all [34] and the 4th at 52.411 [134]? Matches the symmetry of the [12] 12th set from earlier, and fits the music better than this almost-there half-pattern change you have at the end of this beat

-The jacks will be way too fast for majority of people in that speed. 20ths at 156bpm start to get close to 16th You Universe jack speed, and those are not fun, even when downgrading to singles. To preserve that flavor while keeping it tasteful, used a pseudo-jumpglut transition between two jumptrills.

54.622: If this is a jack, why isn’t 54.911, and why isn’t the 16th at 55.391 stepped at all?


58.757: Hmm..not sure about this being a jack, and if you do want a jack here, why isn’t 61.738?

- fixed, unintended jack.

59.911: ^?

- also fixed. Moved single 4th to 4, flowing into a [12][34].

62.699: Not sure why this is a jack? I feel like I might not be completely understanding some of your logic behind when/where jacks are deployed tbh

- same pattern flow as the jack at 59.622, 54.622 and 56.449 (which was missed, and made into a jack).

67.411: Not sure about this minijack. And in the preceding section, there seem to be far fewer jacks than the musically identical phrase right before it?

- Cleaned up jacks quite a bit in the section that you mentioned. Should be much more clean now. For this particular one, it was moved back to the 16th in a [13][14][23] pattern, to mimic previous jacks in the section.

82.604: 44 for PR on this, and the one after, a minijack lower than 4?

- You got it.

* 98.373: I'm really not hearing a reason for the jack on the 3 like this

- fixed, is now a 1[34]2[134] jumpstream flow.

* 100.873: ^ on the 2 - maybe [134] instead?

- changed the flow of the section so that the [134] could be put in without creating some unintended sustained jacks.

110.103: still confused over this minijack and the one prior

- changed the jacks here to flow much better. No more jacks.

Basically kono spoon... but like an evolved, moderny form of it. Love it. You also avoided stepping some usual boring schemes like typical 32nds on distorted sounds, instead going for a heavier approach. A very interesting file, big yes, just conditional on clearing up the minijack usage in the section around 52.411 -- I might just be missing something about how they're used, so feel free to just explain to me about how it works if that's the case. Not conditional on 22.793 etc., you can keep those if you insist, but strongly recommend at least toning down some of the anchors (look at the 1 and 3 column in the first set starting 22.793...)
Appended fixes to the file, which are in bold in the above quote. Sent in the fix.
Originally Posted by YoshL View Post

- Tosh 2014

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