Thread: [Concluded] The RPG Tournament
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Old 07-22-2014, 11:14 AM   #1
Celestial Harbor
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Default The FFRRPG Tournament

Brought to you by the creator of the one division tournament of Mediocrity....YoshL presents!

YoshL's RPG Tournament

This tournament is unique, in that your success will not be determined solely by how well you play the game, but also how well you make decisions. Get ready for another tournament where anyone has a chance of winning

The Format (This is a pretty important section to read in its entirety, and lets you understand why this tournament is super cool)


There will be 10 total rounds. This seems like a lot, but each round will be 3 days long, and will be necessary to have this many in order to compensate for stats.
Again, that's 9 rounds of 3 days, and a final 10th round of 2 days.

Stat Building Rounds

During the first 9 rounds, players will be working to increase their four stats, Strength, Dexterity, Luck, and Intelligence. However, for each of the rounds, a player can only choose to increase one of their stats. This will be done by pming, or posting your choice of stat in the thread. If you choose to post in thread, preferably the stat choice should be in BOLD font face so that I don't miss it, and also should be posted along with your score, so that room doesn't get taken up. Keep in mind that you need to pass the song for a score to count.

Once you choose which stat to upgrade for the round, you're not allowed to change your decision

Stats will be normalized based on the scores that the other players submitted, creating a more balanced environment that will allow all players regardless of skill level to stand on a more even playing field.

Final Round

A double elimination bracket will be generated based off of the total stat gains of each player. After all the seeding is done, the bracket will be posted, and the final round will begin. This is your final chance to increase one more stat in preparation for the fighting that's going to occur in the bracket. The same system as the first 9 rounds will apply for submitting your scores and stat choice. After this round is over, the tournament will be generated, and results will be generated and released at given points of the day for maximum hype.

Stat Building (warning lengthy but important read)

It's not a YoshL tournament without a gimmick! Here's the stat building guide, and how stat building will work.

General Class Evolution

Each class represents a stat. Strength is gained through the Paladin class. Dexterity is gained through the Archer class. Luck is gained through the Assassin class. Intelligence is gained through the Mage class.

Each of the classes has 3 evolutions, each affecting stat gains differently. Your first score submission for a class will use the first evolution calculation. Your second score submission for a class will use the second evolution calculation. Your third and any subsequent submissions will use the third evolution calculation. The only exception being the Assassin class, where you're only allowed to select that class 3 times.

Strength building through Paladin

The Paladin is a proud and strong class, focusing on doing well on songs; a higher score will usually denote a higher stat gain!

Evolution 1 - The PAladin
stat gains will be determined by your PA. Simple enough
Evolution 2 - The Berserker
stat gains will still be determined by PA, but perfects will give you more, while the rest of the judgements won't give you as much. Higher attack, less defense.
Evolution 3 - The AAladin
stat gains will be determined by ratio of perfects to the song note total. Strength is the only thing that matters in Agrabah

Dexterity building through the Archer

Valued for their accuracy, the Archer tries to hit things. If the Archer doesn't hit things correctly, then the Archer isn't a good Archer.

Evolution 1 - The Arrow Archer
stat gains will be determined by comboscoring. Gotta hit all those arrows
Evolution 2 - The Arrow Ranger
stat gains will be determined by a variant of comboscoring, where boos hurt even more than they normally would. Time to get more accurate.
Evolution 3 - The Arrow Sniper
stat gains will be determined by another variant of comboscoring. Misses will even out your combo to the lowest possible combo with that many misses (combo / # of misses + 1). you'd better hit all your targets.

Luck building through the Assassin

The Assassin needs luck on their side. Build luck by...being lucky! The less people that choose to build luck during the current round, the more stat you will gain. However, gains will exponentially decrease with the more people involved. You're still required to submit a score, but that's all part of the deception, right?

Evolutions - The Cloaked Assassin, The Invisible Assassin, The Intangible Assassin
gain extra multipliers to stat gains as you choose to build luck. risk vs. reward, right?

Intelligence building through the Mage

The mage lives to gather intelligence, and to blend in so that they won't be found. Hide your magic users so that they aren't targets for paladins!
It's time to return to mediocrity....

Evolution 1 - The Mimic Mage
stat gains will be determined by how close to the normalized average raw score of the rest of the mages this round.
Evolution 2 - The Mid Mage
stat gains will be determined the same, however you will have access to a spreadsheet telling you the current average score.
Evolution 3 - The Master Mage
stat gains will be determined the same, however you will have access to the full score spreadsheet of the mages this round.

Stat Normalization

Each stat will have 100 points in the stat bank each round. The stat gains will be normalized to how well the player performed on their song in their respective classes. Therefore, 100 points in each stat will be distributed to all the players in each round. In the end, after 9 rounds, the total stat count should be 3600 total, leading to unexpected matchups and battles. It'll be up to you to decide whether it will be a good idea to hoard your stats in one area, or to have a more even spread.

Battle Calculation

I don't want to release the actual formula that I'm using for the battles but I will release some specifics
Each battle during the final double elimination tournament bracket will start with both players HP determined by the total stat points that the player has.
Strength will determine attacking power.
Dexterity will determine accuracy and evasion.
Luck will add a little extra to evasion, and increase critical hit chance.
Intelligence will add a little extra to critical hit chance, and increase critical hit damage.

You'd better be praying to RNG-sama.

Other Specifications

There will be 6 divisions, in which there will be a divisional song for every round except for the 10th round, where players will be given a difficulty range to pick from.

When submitting screenshots, if you're using the R^3 Engine, then a screenshot of the results screen will suffice.
On any other engine, you need to also include the FFR header (showing the time and number of users) along with the profile header in the upper right. Otherwise, I will not accept the score.

Scores and such will be updated on a spreadsheet.

Don't cheat. Simple as that.

I reserve the right to remove any user from the tournament, or deny anyone entrance to the tournament under any grounds. deal with it.

Any complaints? please use pm and keep the thread free of garbage.

I'm sorry, i'm actually really poor but donations are welcomed with open arms. Let's make this exciting and hype as anything! Please send the donations to this account, YoshL

Prize pot - 2,151,035
  • TC_Halogen - 1,100,000 <3 this is the reason this tournament can get off the ground thank you <3
  • devonin - 500,000 <3 build the hype <3 (p.s. you should join too)
  • gameboy - 250,000 <3 wheeeeeeee<3
  • krunkykai22 - 130,000 <3 2 MILLIONNN <3
  • kjwkjw - 100,000 <3 TWINNNNNNN <3
  • guy through pm - 50,000 idk if you want me to say your name lol but <3
  • xDarkDayz - 20,966 <3 means alot to me <3
  • RNGRX - 35 seriously
  • icy - 34 really

Participants and Divisions
please see the spreadsheet right HERE

FAQ and/or Clarifications and tl;dr version

each round, pick a class, they do different things to your score
gain stat based on which class you pick and how well you did
bracket at end with generated user fights, delay of results for max hype
For the mage class, are we allowed to save screenshots and snipe the average at the last second?
It's preferrable that your screenshots are at least relatively close to the posting time, within reason. However, there's nothing stopping you from putting up a score at the last second to fudge the average if necessary.

Please ask questions! I'd like to clarify anything that I can to make this tournament awesome.

Round 9 of the FFR RPG TOURNAMENT!
Your round songs for these next 3 days!

D1 101 Kittens
D2 Dance and Zeal
D3 You Goddamn Fish
D4 Magical Higan Tour 2009
D5 Rave 5
D6 Heterochromia Iridis

Round 9 will end this saturday, Tuesday September 9th, at 11:59 PM EST! Late scores will be accepted, with a deduction of a lot of the normal skill points that you'd actually get. You'll receive less than the lowest person in that class. If you have missed 2 scores in a row, I'm removing you from the tournament

(please post or pm your class/stat choice for this round first)

tournament spreadsheet -


8/1 - changed skill point bank to 1000 from 100
8/1 - changed starting HP to be dependent on your total stat count
8/4 - skill point bank back down to 100
8/5 - BACK TO 1000

Originally Posted by Charu View Post
Only yours, for an easy price of $19.99! You too can experience the wonders of full motion rump sticking.

Last edited by psychoangel691; 09-19-2014 at 11:05 AM..
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