Secret Area (Between My Legs) :: FFR Batch Submission
Deamerai - Secret Area (Between My Legs) - Renard [7.75 / 10]
Event Tokens
Lapfox Trax blanket permission

Simfile Folder Name

Secret Area (Between My Legs) (Deamerai)

Note Count


Chart Length


Average NPS


Estimated Difficulty


First Note


Ending Note Delay


Hand Bias

x -17


0 - 0 1 - 0 2 - 17 3 - 67 4 - 98


x 154


x 11


x 0

Color Jumps

x 29

Color Hands

x 1

Color Quads

x 0

Most notes in:

1/3 of a Second
10 - 30.00 nps 0.5 Seconds
14 - 28.00 nps 1 Second
25 - 25.00 nps 2 Seconds
42 - 21.00 nps 5 Seconds
90 - 18.00 nps 10 Seconds
168 - 16.80 nps 30 Seconds
460 - 15.33 nps 1 Minute
788 - 13.13 nps

Color Count

x 257 (27.31%)
x 208 (22.1%)
x 42 (4.46%)
x 165 (17.53%)
x 33 (3.51%)
x 60 (6.38%)
x 40 (4.25%)
x 25 (2.66%)
x 111 (11.8%)

Largest Note Gaps


Secret Area (Deamerai) [7.5/10]
> Permission check good.
> Sync looks good (No changes necessary).
> No issues found within simfile properties.
> No issues found within submission folder contents.

-[00:28.250] Plays more like the 16th here and the 8th omitted rather than its current setup, with such a heavy song emphasis on the 16th that is unstepped.

-[00:57.736] Plays terribly on the left hand here (exemplary amount of stress happening). Rather than forcing a minitrill across the up and down column on the 32nds, would probably suggest starting a roll on the other hand and coming back that way (4321 or 3421 instead of 2321).

-[01:11.022] Awkward to see the trill on left hand exclusively here given there isn’t really any PR being shared here with the notes in green on left hand prior to this trill. Would be better suited to 23 trill or anything really to distinguish them apart PR-wise.

-File’s pretty technically correct. Pretty hard to listen to at the beginning of the song where audio peaks hard. Just not the most comfortable tones to listen to in that volume range. Don’t have much complaints outside of that.

Secret Area (Between My Legs) (Deamerai) [8**FR/10]
>Permission good (Blanket)
>Folder contents good- Folder name not quite complete but not a big deal

>**Check artist attribution. Song was released on album Broken Core, so should be attributed to only Renard. ( The Acid Intravenous album listed in the given mp3’s properties does not list this song. (

>Sync good

Playtest Impression, 0.8x Rate - Might be okay, but it’s pretty rough.

File is about as janky as the game the sounds come from. But I don’t really see anything worth addressing in the file itself.

**Except the audio. You’ll need to reduce the volume of the intro before 11.022. Rest of the song is broadly okay because the worst of it is drowned out by everything else. As is it’s worse than Love Hurts. Edit audio and artist name and it’s good to go.

Interestingly enough, this was taken from an official VULPvibe label archive that Renard uploaded themselves to Mediafire. It contains 2 extra tracks in that album that are not supposed to be there according to the rest of the sources, to which one of them was Secret Area. Good catch. Updated metadata.

As for reducing the volume of the intro, this is not a good idea. While the reason is legitimate, the audio sound at the intro is at the same volume through the rest of the song. Despite of it being drowned out by everything else later on, after passing the volume reduced intro, your ears will set at a blast after it.

Uploading fixed metadata and change of 00:57.736 for now. Waiting for response about the audio thing.

A new chart file was uploaded with the following changes:
Artist changed: Renard + Adraen => Renard
Hand Bias changed: -21 => -17

Yeah, you're right about how jarring just editing the intro volume would be.

Gold and I agree that reducing the volume on the whole thing by at least -5 dB will be enough.

I'm assuming when you say the whole thing you mean the entire song, which in that case lowering by at least -5 dB is too much. This will make the song significantly quieter in the engine in comparison to other songs. I've lowered to -3.5 dB though and it seems like a better compromise.

While looking at the file again I've also noticed that the second half is drifting in sync when set at a constant BPM. I went ahead and fixed it, and would like to have a second look at the second half to determine if the sync is better there now.

A new chart file was uploaded with the following changes:
Offset changed: -0.063 => -0.091
Note Count changed: 937 => 941
Chart Length changed: 1:30 => 1:31
AVG NPS changed: 11.35299 => 11.40145

Looks good, moved to accept.