Dream Chaser :: FFR Batch Submission
Corrinetaur - Dream Chaser - Futon [6.5 / 10]
Feb/March 2021
F-Zero meets a metallic shine in this kicking track from Futon! Enjoy colour instrument theory woven into a tough but fair file that clocks just under 4 minutes. Probably a low-mid 70s file.

Simfile Folder Name

Dream Chaser (Corrinetaur)

Note Count


Chart Length


Average NPS


Estimated Difficulty


First Note


Ending Note Delay


Hand Bias

x -74


0 - 0 1 - 0 2 - 0 3 - 66 4 - 3


x 404


x 157


x 0

Color Jumps

x 161

Color Hands

x 63

Color Quads

x 0

Most notes in:

1/3 of a Second
8 - 24.00 nps 0.5 Seconds
11 - 22.00 nps 1 Second
20 - 20.00 nps 2 Seconds
39 - 19.50 nps 5 Seconds
81 - 16.20 nps 10 Seconds
147 - 14.70 nps 30 Seconds
380 - 12.67 nps 1 Minute
718 - 11.97 nps

Color Count

x 580 (23.2%)
x 728 (29.12%)
x 2 (0.08%)
x 654 (26.16%)
x 49 (1.96%)
x 32 (1.28%)
x 6 (0.24%)
x 266 (10.64%)
x 183 (7.32%)

Largest Note Gaps


Dream Chaser [6.5/10]

My major concern with this file is that the color theory is just...super aggressive, and not in the best of ways. Right from the get-go (at 19.165), you have two [additional, beyond the usual snap] colors going to the same sound for little distinguishable reason. This happens later again in the section 1.13.765 where you use two different colors to the same instrument again (and not even the same 2 colors as the previous time), when the preceding section is very tastefully done.
25.965, 38.765 etc should probably move away from [34] given your previous (excellent) hand
1.13.765-1.39.365 in this section, the minijacks going to the emphasized guitar feel inconsistent. Areas like 1.16.965 feel great emphasized as a minijack, but stuff like 1.15.765, 1.23.765 etc. have nothing in them to draw that kind of attention. You'd also expect places like 1.28.165 to have the minijack, conversely.
1.55.365 ^ minijack questions repeat with this repeat section
2.34.365 dropping the 8th jumps in this section feels pretty off given that this section is more intense than the other ones like it previously, but those have jumps on the 8ths and this doesn't
2.45.165 pretty mean for no music emphasis (2.45.765 conversely is fine)
2.49.665 lmao. I guess

3.04.965 because of your usage of color theory, you miss opportunities like this imo: if you stick to one color for the guitar in the preceding area, you can then accent with a 2nd color this new guitar that comes in just for this section. I think you try to capture this with the [64th+192nd] instead of [64th+24th] combination, but it feels much less striking imo because you've previously used the [64th+192nd] combination in other areas too anyway.

Rest is mostly repeats, won't go into too much detail.

Song's a banger even if it runs kinda long + repetitive, chart could be cool but for me personally there's a lack of precision on the minijacks, together with the somewhat overaggressive color theory that doesn't really seem to highlight the song too well as is. Those two things changed up would make this file really good imo.