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Old 08-25-2022, 04:28 AM   #102
Forever Derbyless
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Default Re: Dump Batch Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by Lights View Post
I don't think creating dumps "removes" any opportunities to do anything. The existing charting meta isn't going to suddenly shift away from technically focused charts just because we're not auto-rejecting dumps and / or allowing them to have their own batch and I'm sure theres going to continue to be high quality content produced that fits the traditional FFR style.

Apologies in advance for the blasphemy I'm about to spew but the modern 4key VSRG scene is a far cry from the vision FFR had when it was first created. And while the content being released on FFR today has clearly evolved along with it, its still a relatively narrow subsection of what can be created on this medium. And, from the perspective of a player, my goal is to have a good time playing fun charts. The music and expression of the music is secondary to this most of the time. I'm able to appreciate the artform of charting and recognize that the content FFR currently focuses on is fun, but I can only see it as a massive shame that a relatively prominent and popular genre of chart (in the greater 4key VSRG scene) is being rejected by so many people because it doesn't fit into this narrow subsection of "what has been".

Sure, I'm new to the community- I've got no ties to the older days of FFR and no real value towards preserving how things have traditionally been. From my perspective, though, FFR has been taking a lot of great steps forwards towards establishing itself as a more viable client to play on in the modern day (even in the short couple years i've been paying attention). I think expanding the type of content being offered is another important step in continuing this trend.

Is FFR around today to appeal to the older generation of players that grew up with it? Or does FFR want to try to establish a wider appeal and continue to grow all these years later?
The way I view dumps (which I’m not completely against, Rainshower is actually a well crafted dump file) is similar to the idea of going to a buffet and eating all options possible because they’re there. Would you enjoy the buffet experience? It depends on how much the song offers. Rainshower offers a small selection of options in the buffet so eating everything is tolerable in this case.

The point I’m raising is from the perspective of the song artist who we’ve all gone out to seek for permissions to use their work and not related to how FFR should remain outdated in the charting meta to cater to the older crowd. If a buffet potentially have many food options, is it intended for the chefs to go serve everything in their inventory to the hungry customers? They can if they want but in most buffets, that’s not the main goal. Similarly, in most cases, it’s not the main intention for the song artist to create content for FFR that calls for dump files. There are definitely exceptions to this rule (songs that are chaotic in nature like RATO) which would be fine stepped as dumps because it is T11’s intention to create that sort of chaotic content (which can be easily gauged from the music).

Originally Posted by sff_writer_dan View Post
It's funny because if you use the definition of "dump" that includes like "Not feeling strictly bound to have each note map onto a distinct sound from the audio track" almost all the original songs in FFR were dumps :P
I only see Legacy files as outdated files which didn’t have exposure to new stepping capabilities like ArrowVortex and DDReam. If I recall correctly, these files are manually created by inserting steps in Notepad? Now that we have more advanced charting mediums, accomplishing creating improved content compared to older times is much more straightforward. I am not opposed to removing older files (or any files that are deemed low quality) that don’t fit current standards of stepping and having it be fun to play, but I think that’s one controversial opinion I will continue to hold and will always receive push back when I actively make that heard lmfao.
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