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Old 07-8-2022, 06:23 PM   #8
Forever Derbyless
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Default Re: Songs of the Week 07/08/2022

Got a chance to play through all of the files:

Last Summer - Song is a bop (I really love it haha) and step chart wisely uses the cyan notes (even though I play with all white notes haha). We seriously need more content like this.

Dummy! - Great swing file. Overall it's a bit repetitive for my own liking, but it plays well and is a great file overall.

One Big Beautiful Sound [Explicit] - I love the speedup in this file and I love how unique this music is haha. Great work Pizza!

GLAZ - Not going to comment on my own file, but I genuinely appreciate all of the positive reviews that I received overall. My favorite comment was from bmah while watching previews with him in voice chat. He told me "You did a great job with showcasing your new stepping style in this file". This meant a lot to me because I am trying my best to always improve my stepping craft and I know I didn't do the greatest job with stepping pre-2020.

Janus - Great music. Those hands are cruel to me but the file is still very fun.

safe_state - Skayles, you honestly have been improving your stepping so much and I'm very happy for you . This is one of my favorites from you! Great work and great song choice. I'm personally blocked on two parts of the song, but I'll try my best to score the best I can on this round.

UR+ MusicEater LV99 - Probably my favorite Brutal chart in game so far. This file is a ton of fun despite how challenging it is for me. Seriously, great work Psychotik!

CO5M1C R4ILR0AD - This file is genius as well. I really love the chaos in the music and the steps themselves did justice in reflecting that. I really had a fun time playing it and I can see myself revisiting it again.

Overall, this release batch is definitely one of my favorites overall. Really liked all of the files and songs here. Seriously, great work all.
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