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Old 06-28-2015, 02:30 AM   #15
Celestial Harbor
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Default Re: jTWG LXXVI: Duo Deception | Post-Game!!!!

Cold Kitten
as a wolf, i think it's imperitive to think first, before reacting. Yes you're a wolf trying to look like a townsperson, but you need to actually put yourself in the shoes of a townsperson and think "what would a townsperson do? getting accused of being a wolf like 10 posts into the game, does that actually have any substance? Do I think that i'm going to get a majority vote and die because of this sudden accusation?" and stuff like that. Essentially, you put yourself mentally into a situation that was more dangerous than it actually was.

gutreads are always right. I was actually comparing t-force's game to some other games, and what i argued about him in the last day was actually my thoughts. however, i already knew help was town as fuc and shad was obviously the last blue, so kill t-force, kill sunfan, win. #gutread

Sorry mang, the backpacking really gets to me, especially early, so more on my bad. In terms of not doing that, it's usually a nice way to not do that as much by taking things people have said, agreeing with it, then adding a little bit more. Like for example, "Cold Kitten reacted really badly there" would be an initial claim that someone else probably made, and an extension off of that would be "at least, compared to her previous games, she doesn't really explode under pressure like that unless she has something to hide" or something along those lines. you did contribute actively, so that was good. Getting the most information out before you die is pretty useful, and talking (well) will get your team far.

definitely speak up more, because any opinions are useful in the long run. Connections from the first day onwards can be looked back upon and drawn on, so offering your thoughts whenever you can is pretty useful. Nicely done using the cues left in the penultimate day to get shadow to believe you. Again, try to talk more, because like shadow pointed out in the end, it's strange to see massive shifts in behavior. While yours was probably a little bit justified given that it was lynch correctly or lose, it's a little dangerous if someone reads that wrong i thinks.

nice ending there; as the tracker, it was a hard job. I don't really know what else to say, since you were absent from the penultimate day pretty much, and it was just me and sunfan doing stuff lol. Good catches on the final day, especially on the crap i pulled lmao. Some of your logic and phrasing day 1 was a little bit weird, but i think that's just something of practice, getting better at posting your thoughts early.

basically, your posts were really awkward, and the reason i insta'd you was because of the sequence of posts that you made right before, and a lot of the previous things you said. Be mindful of things that you post such as "I can confirm that i'm not shadow's woof partner", because it's very awkward and weird for a townsperson to have to say it. It's more like, "I don't have a partner because i'm not a wolf dumbass". Anyways, you switched your vote to t-force, yet as a human, having gone through your argument with shadowdueler, i felt like, if you were a human, shadowdueler would have to be a wolf in your eyes, so the move away from the vote was weird. you also said in that post "i guarantee no matter which way you choose. town will lose with this vote." which is strange and awkward to any other townsperson's eyes because it feels like you have more information then you're letting on. Like, the way you phrased it made it seem like you knew t-force was a human. Then, you soft-claimed as a PR really late, and I just flat out didn't believe you. In all, be much more careful of what you say (especially as a wolf), and at least for claims, that should have come much sooner, and not after many strange flubs and lapses in recognization that you're trying to look like you're a townie with no extra information.

you played the human role to the dot, and it was great. The only problem with that, as you probably noticed, is that you're a very early target for wolves. While the posting was excellent, maybe strike to add a little bit more controversy into your tone? It helps with offsetting towniness with a little bit of uncertainty. D1 at least, it's best for you to be "shrouded in mystery" if you will, in order to be able to survive the night, and not get lynched. It's a strange balance, and I think this is one of the things that you have to kinda keep playing to find the right point to sit at. Overall, really good though; your posts felt incredibly natural for a townsperson to post, probably because you were just posting your thoughts and such.

I was weird that game lol i'm sorry. I just meta-ed you too hard, and that's my fault, so gg. Not much to say really? idk (shit-eating<3)

MVP 2015 nailed 1 wolf within the first 2 pages, insta'ed the second, mvp sonnnnnnnnnnnnn (lolnah)

i told you things already

(just some quick thoughts)

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Last edited by YoshL; 06-28-2015 at 02:31 AM..
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