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Old 10-9-2012, 09:34 AM   #87
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Default Re: James May's Wheel of Arrowsmashing II

Originally Posted by MetalAtlas View Post
thats not a bad idea. also, as a suggestion, not saying thats its better or worse, but you could do what i did for my team tourney a couple years back and each team's division would have different songs, to make it fair. Like, The first team of d1-d3, d1 would face the other d1 in such a song, d2 would face the other teams d2 in other, etc. You could do it so that, if I score higher than the other teams d3, then our team gets a point. The team with the most points (or the most wins) gets the overall victory. Just an idea
That would be good if D2 was balanced haha. Anyhow, updated wit hthe teams and the people that needs to be in a team. we need 1 more D2 & D3 player to be in the D1 teams, and for D2, either another D5 player or a D6 player (with handicap placed)
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