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Old 12-1-2011, 06:05 PM   #8
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Default Re: The world in 4000

2000 years ago, we still used swords and chariots and only the 90-95% of the population couldn't read or write. The world's population was roughly 250-300 million.

500 years ago, modern science began to take its baby steps, and a well developed sailing industry allowed humans around Europe and Asia to communicate and trade. The world's population was roughly 500 million.

Today, we have cures for millions of diseases, and via the internet we can communicate with someone on the other side of the planet in a few seconds. The world's population recently exploded and is now 7 billion.

In 2500, given the current population trend our population could easily be 50 billion or more. Earth can not support that massive of a society so by the time our population is that great we will either need to set up a colony on the moon or another planet or the massive instability will cause great chaos and global wars for even the most basic resources. Assuming we have found a way to either control or support the immense population, our technological advances by then would be unimaginable. 100 years ago we didn't even have telephones, now our telephones are also internet devices, HD video cameras, and heaven knows what else. By 2500 we'll probably have 50 exabyte memory cards for both our phones and our brains, and people will be able to teleport and fly for all I know. Cures for AIDS and cancer may be developed, and the average human may have a lifespan of 120 years,

By 4000, assuming we haven't wiped ourselves out with either intergalactic thermonuclear wars or our unthinkable population possibly in excess of 500 billion, we'll probably have extremely advanced technology among the likes of being able to selectively modify genetic code at our convenience, telepathy, inception (lol), and lightspeed travel. Humans that die of natural causes may live to be a few centuries old and disease may be something that exists only in history books thought-o-scans.

However, in complete and total honesty, I don't see the human race living up to these claims of indestructibility I mentioned in these last two paragraphs. We are now gaining an extra billion citizens every 15-20 years and the earth is ridiculously overpopulated and polluted. Wars break out over the most trivial bullshit and economies are falling left and right. A new supervirus is on the news every 5 years. If society has not completely collapsed by the year 2250, I will be very surprised. BUT, I don't anticipate the extinction of the human race. There will likely be survivors that find a way to start over with basic societies.

also in 4000 will be the mark of the release of final fantasy MCCLXVI ;o

Last edited by Crashfan3; 12-1-2011 at 06:17 PM..
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