View Full Version : Twokay.

11-6-2004, 11:09 PM
And with that, I join this highly exclusive club of 25. As if being one of the oldest forum regulars who still posts wasn't enough, I'm extremely proud to say I've gotten here without any postwhoring - indeed, I still proclaim myself to be the voice of reason on the forums.

I'm not going to bog down this thread with needless shoutouts. In fact, I'm going to lock it right now because I don't want people to postwhore "good job" in it or anything like that. I just feel like blowing my own horn a little bit here. If I like you, I'm sure you know.

I present below, for posterity, my second post on this forum:

my GOODNESS....I just beat FF7.....I think beating FF7 is a rite of passage from "newbiehood" to "experienced"

it's 3 freaking minutes long! during the last minute my hands were trembling and i was short of breath, barely struggling to stay on, fumbling even such basic steps as up-left and down-right at the same time. but i beat it....and that's what counts :D

mega man is still my favorite song in FFR.....but maybe that's just because I've loved mega man 2 (the game that song's from) since I was 5 :)

Cheers, and here's to another 2000.


11-6-2004, 11:10 PM
compared to chardish, i am nothing