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Old 06-19-2009, 11:19 AM   #38
sunshine and rainbows
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Default Re: The General Degredation of Society

Afro: Don't get into discussions about IQ with Reach. IQ has a nice history to it, and it boils down it being standardized poorly. I sincerely doubt average IQ is 100 now. It's likely much higher, and I don't think they've re-standardized it so that new average is 100 again.

I guess I'll be devil's advocate here, because the OP has been shot down so utterly and completely, and I suppose I do see something he may be getting at in a more general sense. As a society and culture, I think he feels like we're reaching a point where we've got 'enough', and this means that people aren't trying as much. We're reaching a point where we're entertaining ourselves enough. Kinda like our generation (and the one before it I suppose) is spending time and effort creating technological 'soma' instead of actually going out there and living. As a few people have said, as society, we're not actively trying to get to mars or the moon, or do more space exploration. And their excuse is exactly what I think tinman may be getting at: why bother? This is the attitude and culture that's bothering him. (Although I will say that I strongly believe that population and potential drastic global changes are a very, very good reason why we should seriously be considering expanding our horizons into space.)
In order to understand what I *think* his main concern is, pretend that instead of having video games and cell phones, we manufactured pills which make us all feel different, positive emotions, like satisfaction and fulfillment. On the one hand, yeah, that'd be pretty awesome. We could sit here and take pills all day. On the other hand, as a culture, we'd be in total decline. We'd stop trying for goals and desires we used to once have if we could get satisfaction from pills so easily. I think that most people would think that having pills which did that be a very bad thing for our society. He's just seeing cell phones and video games as we'd see pills.
You have to remember though tinman, that 1) people work tirelessly making cell-phones and video games. 2) The funnest video games are socially interactive, and if they're not, I think most people like playing them with friends around, and telling them about how cool something was in it. Instead of creating pills, we've created an alternate, virtual or semi-virtual society, and all the same rules which apply to our actions, emotions, and struggles in them are the same ones which apply as in the 'real world'. They are not pills.

Also, I can't play devil's advocate about you calling people unintelligent. Intelligence has nothing to do with this, if I have indeed caught onto something you were trying to get at. If I have not caught onto it, then you're not doing your job in defining what it is you're upset about. You've simply answered all the posts with 'you don't understand, **** it'. If we do not understand, it is not us who's at fault. You should be trying to get us to understand. You don't have to argue what everyone says personally, especially if they're missing the point.
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