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Old 10-23-2010, 12:25 PM   #12
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Default Re: Iraq war documents leak shows US is ****ing awful.

Originally Posted by FPRain View Post
I'm not an American and I admit I don't follow up on much of what's going on in that country. Call me ignorant but I'm just wondering, why is the war still going on?
Common sense has to agree with Fido here. Its obvious 9 years later that this isn't about 911, it isn't about nuclear weapons, or about oil, so why has the Obama administration fail to end this like he said he would?
The only thing that this war has done for america is spend billions of tax dollars on a cause that's unclear.
It's completely distasteful to read an article like this and know that the people who should be presecuted won't be held accountable.
There are Machiavellian reasons and there are on-paper reasons. The Machiavellian reason is oil. It's always oil. Oil is the unspoken dark heart of ideological conflict in this world. But that's not what the talking heads in the white buildings say the war is about.

The war was about "spreading democracy" in the Middle East. Except what we we're trying to do was we we're trying to create a pro-Western government in Iraq that had some sort of weak coalition government because we feared that a majority Shia controlled parliament would end up creating a like-minded political bloc with Iran (hint: this is what happened in the end.) So we're pulling out because we really can't do ****, and they essentially have a "democracy" it's just not the one we preferred for our interests and also not one that will stay a true "democracy" for too long.

But we still have people occupying the bases that are strategically located near oil fields. We are still busting up Oil Workers unions, and we are still flooding corporate investment in that seems to be poised to take advantage of the resources and the workers.

The more you read about the Middle East the more you see how oil seeps from the pores of conflict.

Last edited by Vendetta21; 10-23-2010 at 12:38 PM..
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