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Old 10-14-2020, 02:59 PM   #6
The Dominator
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Default Re: How fast would the cheesiest player need to be?

Originally Posted by Wiosna View Post
Are you sure that this is correct? I'm very sure that you can hit the 2-framer pattern that you screenshotted at 150bpm 16ths.

When jacking at 180bpm, each note is separated by 87.5ms.
The earliest possible input where Mr. Cheese can get a perfect is -50ms. 
The notes are placed at 0ms, 66.6ms and 100ms respectively 
(frame 2, frame 4, frame 5 in your example).
Time	Input	Difference
0ms	-50ms	-50ms	
66.6ms	37.5ms	-29.16ms
100ms	125ms	+25ms

Given that there is an additional +25ms of leeway for 2 inputs (2nd and 3rd note of the jack), 
Mr. Cheese can jack 12.5ms slower per note and would still obtain perfects.

87.5ms + 12.5ms per note = 100ms per note = 10 notes per second = 150bpm 16ths.
The issue in your calculation, I believe, is that the gap between the start of frame 1 and the end of frame 6 is 6 frames, not 5. The start of frame 1 and end of frame 6 constitute virtually no frames at all, since they're specific points in time and not periods of time.

With that said...

Sinthasomphone has 2 5-note jacks (e.g. combo 805), with each note in the jack being separated by 2 frames (66.67ms) each. Assuming that Mr. Cheese hits the first note of the jack in the earliest part of the perfect window (-50ms), Mr. Cheese has 100ms leeway over 4 notes. Combining the leeway per note and the distance between each note, Mr. Cheese has to jack at about 91.67ms per note, or about 163.63bpm 16ths. This is strictly harder than a 150bpm 16th 3-note jack.

I'm sure there are a few other examples, but the general idea is to find charts with practically consecutive 1-frame minijacks with 2-note gaps (e.g. xx-x-xx) or a 2-frame jumpjack but the jump is separated by 1 frame each (since Mr. Cheese would have an 66.67ms window instead of a 100ms window -- the optimal position to hit these kinds of grace jumpjacks would be 16.67ms before the first note since the second note comes 33.33ms after), but I can't think of many concrete examples.

Looks like I was forcing Mr. Cheese to hit the middle of each frame and not use the extra half frames on either end of the sequence. A half frame is 16.6ms for a total of 33.3ms extra time.

Only thing is 180bpm 16ths = 83.3 ms between notes, but overall the logic is sound.

Why does 150bpm 16ths seem too slow to hit that pattern though? I might need to mess around in iso to get a better idea of the feel but that is def right!

edit: Props for completing your homework too

Last edited by Dynam0; 10-14-2020 at 03:03 PM..
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