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Old 01-17-2016, 09:18 AM   #2
FFR Events
How eventful...
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Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 317
Default Re: Interactive mega raffle!

Final Prize Pool: 4,909,000 Credits
Final Token Pool: 7 Tokens
Event statistics: Spreadsheet

Today's Challenge:

Combo Scoring
Obtain as many unique full combo scores as possible!

  • Every song must be at least 1,000 notes
  • Every unique FC will add 500 credits to the pool
  • An AAA will increase the pool by 1,000 credits
  • Submit an image showing username, time stamp, and daily AAA's / FC's

Group challenge: Multiplayer is(n't) dead
Come together to muster up the largest multiplayer room you can!

  • Coordinate all possible participants for one submission
  • The submission with the most players will be the only counting image
  • Each player in the room adds 25k credits to the pool
  • Unique users only (don't log in to your alts to add players)
  • Submit an image showing username, time stamp, and the MP room with the people showing.

Note that if you aren't a part of the largest room, a submission can still be made to get the participation bonus and entry. If you're a part of the largest room, the image needs to be submitted only once, so no need for 12 versions of the same room to be posted.

Net Zero
Offset all participant's perfect judgements with their combined misses and boos!

  • Try to make the total perfects equal the total miss and boo count
  • At least 10 users must participate to increase the prize pool
  • At least 50k perfects must be hit to increase the prize pool
  • At least 500 perfects must be hit in your submission to count
  • You can only submit once! No edits or resubmissions, one and done.
  • Submit an image showing username, time stamp, and daily user totals

Credits added:
+/- 10,000 = 10k Credits
+/- 5,000 = 25k Credits
+/- 2,500 = 50k Credits
+/- 1,000 = 100k Credits
+/- 100 = 250k Credits
+/- 10 = 500k Credits
+/- 1 = 1m Credits

Great rates mate
Group challenge: Play files on really high and low rates.

  • The song above 1.0x must have at least 500 notes!
  • You must pass the song for it to count!
  • Anyone can submit, but only the highest and lowest rate will count.
  • The two chosen can be from different people, and you don't have to play both to submit.
  • Submit an image showing your score in the R^3 Engine.

Prize pool formula (NEW!):
[((Highest rate)^2) * 325] + [(Song Length in seconds)*100 / (Lowest Rate)]

E.G.: [(40^2) * 325] + [(480*100) / .1] = 520000 + 480000 = 1 million Credits

So basically you are rewarded for going fast and playing long. Just keep in mind that the lowest rate is .1x, so you must submit a .1x rated long file to overthrow the current record!

Submission credit will be given to anyone who submits either equal or above 1.2x, or equal or lesser than .8x.

Homestretch game whoring
Hit as many arrows as possible, for as long as you feasibly can!

  • Every arrow you hit adds one credit to the prize pool!
  • Judgements are irrelevant, mash to your heart's content (misses and boos aren't arrows hit)
  • Try not to go insane
  • Submit an image showing username, time stamp, and daily user totals.

Additional bonus challenge:
If any two or more of your stats EXACTLY match (PGAMB), additional credits will be added to the pool. If you get two matching it'll be (Stat 1 + Stat 2)*2, 3 will be (Stat 1 + Stat 2 + Stat 3)*3, and so on.

Also, why not, if someone EXACTLY matches PGAMB at 20k or higher, 1 additional token will be added to the pool.

All challenges have concluded.
Expect the raffle to be ran on this Twitch channel at around 9PM server time.

Last edited by FFR Events; 01-27-2016 at 01:44 PM..
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