Thread: Hello Everyone!
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Old 10-1-2016, 12:03 PM   #4
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Talking Re: Hello Everyone!

Originally Posted by Dinglesberry View Post
l0l I'm a hardcore team fortress classic player who absolutely hates TF2, come at me bro lets debate (jk l0l i like TF2, played it alot too).. I love all the fortress games but prefer the old ones

Nice, thats a good plan ;D You should also begin focusing on the most elusive and notorious stat of all - the Single Digit Good!!11! (SDG) - dat shiet appears as orange SDG next to the level and its super swaggy, means you got less than 10 goods in total.. check this out fam:

;D I love SDGs tho, ive always wanted a bar on me profile to show them as well but eh what can ye do.

welcome to the game bro good luck on ur quest to GIT GUD :*

EDIT: more infoz

yo im not sure if you realise this since you are new, but the coolest part of FFR:

check that out, your top scores.. basically, see how it says "AAA Equivalency" next to the score? thats what the score would be equal to.. for example your mario eurobeat, since you got 26 goods, is equivalent to a level 11 AAA

where it says at the top "Skill Rating: level 8" - basically, based on your previous scores and best scores, the game is saying "if you were to play a level 8 song, you could AAA it" in a way, or that the songs to AAA @ your level are level 8.

It doesn't matter at all really, except for 2 things:

1. Its an amazing way to track your progress, lets you know what difficulties to play to push yourself

Haha, thanks for all of the advice.

I was always confused as to what the AAA equivalency was, but thats pretty neat!

Yeah, I heard about SDGs and I definitely will go for those more once I get good enough.

I never played TFC, although I have seen pictures and have a general idea of what it was like.

I think its gonna be a while till I get out of D1, let alone get to D7, haha
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