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Old 05-12-2009, 09:43 PM   #23
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Default Re: 1 + 1 = Invalid: cannot add distinct objects

How is a different perspective unhelpful or unpractical? You're 25 Devonin, this may be something that you've known and understood your whole life. As for me and many others, who've grown up believing in the American Dream, Santa Clause, and some kind of system that's supposed to return the same output as it's input, this can be quite a new perspective.

A lot of people out there believe that if they work hard enough and if they dream big enough, they can achieve whatever they want. What I've come to realize is that the world is not a system, it isn't a big machine that guarantees or gives certainty to anything. A whole lot more than what some people understand is that the real world is much more fluid than that, and more left up to chance, luck, and forces that are out of our control.

"If we actually acted as though we had absolutely no means by which to accurately predict the outcome of any action, we would be pretty much completely unable to do -anything- that was at all useful."

-Yes, you are absolutely correct in this, this is why I mentioned in the original post, that "If understood incorrectly however, this idea can destroy emotions such as confidence, hope, and love." what I meant by that is exactly what you are talking about, that if we let the idea of uncertainty overwhelm us and make us unable to place any confidence whatsoever in any object in the real world then of course it would make you unable to function in the real world.

That is why, and I repeat again, "uncertainty should be understood as something that applies to all things but only to a somewhat limited degree." So that it can be understood to apply especially to things that are less and less under our control. Specifically, our happiness should be less dependent on things that are less certain.

Yes, I'm pretty sure I know what you're thinking and it's probably something along the lines of, "well everyone already knows that" but what about all those people that get so upset when they don't get things they want? Or what about those people who get angry when they lose? What about all those people who get upset over the weather? Or what about all those people who feel entitled from the economic system?

Many people don't realize that life is more than numbers. We can't always depend on things that are created by mankind, like government, McDonalds, computers, science, statistics. You can be pretty certain that the keys on your keyboard will type the same letters that you press consistently, but has your computer ever randomly shut down on you while typing an essay, or your internet connection fail while you're writing a post? Then by chance did you slam your fist on the desk, shout a few expletives and grumble as you turned it back on? Even if you haven't done it yourself, I'm almost positive you've witnessed a similar event somewhere.

However, you know this is a minor example. The problems really begin when people believe they are entitled, think they know everything, or feel justified in casting someone's opinions and ideas aside because of how certain they are of their own.
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