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Old 07-24-2014, 09:18 PM   #1762
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Default Re: League of Legends [v2]

why do you think i spend a week getting diamond at the start of every season and then proceed to not give a fuck about ranked until the next season

really there are 2 seasons for playing ranked, the first is to have "good games"- being defined as games with similarly skilled players with similar dedications to winning that result in similar probabilities in winning in which a single excellent play by a single player can tip the game in one direction or the other. at least this is my definition of a good game if your definition of a good game is making a level 1 smurf and going 60-0-0 as ap ashe then i guess u might disagree with my assessment. anyway ideally the mmr system achieves this parity for all players in a short amount if time but in practice because of how pick/ban works how specialization in upper brackets (i mean i guess you can be a support main in silver and your relative strength at the role would be greater than the others but i would argue that compared to your extremely deficient capacity to understand and play the game your relative strengths between roles is entirely irrelevant) work and just generally how long it takes mmr systems to properly place you most ranked games are complete garbage (being defined as having no properties of good games).

the second is for your skill to be acknowledged, but as you have realized nobody within your bracket will ever recognize your skill (your bracket being defined here as +-100-200 mmr depending on how high you are) because of that fact that they are in your bracket nearly every player thinks they are better than their bracket and should be in a higher one, as a result rather than viewing you as their peer they view you as nub garbage omg my team sucks how do i lose to this trash. this holds true for most brackets below challenger/high d1 because as a general rule for a good player to accept another good player it requires repeat strong performances and you just dont get that below the top end mmr brackets. even then most exceptionally skilled players consider basically everyone else to be trash. also everyone considerably below your skill bracket while they might be able to see that you are diamond and they are gold they lack the experience and ability to understand what that means and why it is the case and what the difference between a p5 p1 d5 d1 700lp challenger player is (much like how a d3 ffr player wouldnt be able to tell the difference between d6/d7/800 lp d8 ffr players beyond the fact that they have better scores on song with higher difficulties)

anyway tl;dr i have way more fun playing serious games at high mmr aram than i ever had playing serious games on sr
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