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Old 05-13-2017, 06:29 AM   #36
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Default Re: Public opinion poll on Etterna Chord cohesion removal

Originally Posted by AutotelicBrown View Post
From my time playing without chord cohesion, I don't think not scaled vs. scaled ends up being that different, but from a design perspective not scaled makes way more sense.
it probably averages out to being even, unscaled just magnifies any advantage/disadvantage by a little bit

i.e. if you were to gain slightly from the removal of chord cohesion because you hit everything as intended you will gain slightly (when compared to scaled points, ranging from nothing to about +1% in outliers, and maybe +0.2% on avg), and if you were punished because you are an irreverent masher you will get punished a little more (figures are about the same but negatives).

pretty much every chordjack file is just going to be flat out harder no matter how good you are, and honestly i think most people might find dense hs harder instead of slightly easier

but like I said on the average it pretty much makes no difference, unscaled just slightly exaggerates the effects of outliers compared to scaled points
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