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Old 07-28-2021, 01:45 PM   #293
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Default Re: ymotohciD :daerhT emaG 002 GWT

I am pretty sure I would have voted for Ben over storn in Day 1 (my caveat there mostly being I was not reading the thread in real time, and people seemed really bothered by storn's self-pres vote, which I cannot really empathize with just reading it afterwards.)

I know people have different ideas about meta reads, but Ben has literally told me how to read him in the past: as a wolf, he is more careful with his words, and he struggles with projecting a consistent and holistic view of the game in terms of reads. I have been looking at his play in this game with that in mind.

Ironically, I thought his entrance was OK in terms of the carefulness piece, even though others saw it differently. But, I have concerns with his approach to this game in terms of the latter. I feel he may be overly focusing on mechanics in order to avoid fabricating reads on people.

Originally Posted by reuben_tate View Post
Sorry, I thought I would have some time before eod to catch up and be around, but I'm still out of the house at the moment.

I don't like choof's behavior, but that's moreso a thing of feeling like my him misrepresenting my posts/thoughts. I also didn't like the remark towards Haku regarding that they should know better about edits and stuff. I think this is mostly a function of people having different expectations regarding the possible bastardization of the game.

My initial thought was that it would be easy for a wolf to shout "sToP tAlKiNg mEcHaNiCs" and use it as an easy way to try to pin something on me (especially since I tend to be more observational and less confrontational, especially in the early game). The behavior seems to be too aggressive though to be coming from a wolf mindset though.

I wouldn't be surprised if there is a wolf trying to tag along with choof's criticisms of my posts, especially for those that are familiar with my playstyle and know that I don't do well with defending myself, especially d0.
In this post for example, what I am getting from it is that he does not like choof's style but does not think it is exactly sus. (And the analysis is not bad, but it is a lot of words at the end of day to be focusing on somebody who you do not seem to want to hang and nobody else seems to want to hang.) And then he he has a suspicion that wolves could be going after him. He even alludes to it being more sus, if they are more familiar with him. But, he does not take it further to even name the names of people he knows are sussing him. I understand that he said he had limited time in this message, but it is not something that I have seen him return to later with more time. As such, I am concerned that this was mainly rhetoric to defend himself with, that he did not actually want to investigate it. Also, both his votes have basically been self-pres.

I also do not really understand why he was saying that gold stinger and I would both be wolves, even if he only pointed that out after gold stinger was already insta'd. Gold stinger was very insistent on voting for the guy that I replaced, to the point that people were sussing him for it.
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