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Old 07-12-2018, 12:01 AM   #652
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Default Re: TWG CLXXIX: The Third FE Mystery Game Game Thread

I have mostly concerns about the big post
:There's no cohesion moving from reply to reply. Not only that, the quotes get to be less and less game-relevant and hard-hitting as you move from top to bottom, like he was able to summon up less and less interest
:He never talks about celirra, for all his mentions of the voting stuff, and specifically my involvement, which (between my and charu's input) he had more words for than anything else. How is that possible?
:The post he ends up voting in reply to isn't even that bad on an alignment-relevant level. (Only because of the next point I'll point out that) the post he's replying to is thoughtless swill, and he takes a super formal, stiff tone in his commentary leading up to his vote. In every other reply he either uses cutesy language or personal flair - I checked. Hard for me to get past
:He speaks weirdly to Hakulyte, whom I'm having a hard time seeing as a villager for a reason I'll explain further next post. It's questions without questioning, it's concern without action or conclusion. Bugs me hugely. FWIW haku's post he was replying to read mildly not W/W to me, which has left me doing a couple of actual, factual head scratches
:His disclosure of "yo my internet might be fucked I'll be around while I can" sounds way more "can I please get credit for posting in hard conditions" than most. FWIW @MML, it's appreciated and respected that you are here under questionable conditions. I just think you presented it in a suspicious way
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