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Old 08-17-2021, 08:28 AM   #48
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Default Re: FC Stat bar - New Implementation

As someone who (outside of tournament season) really doesn't give a rats about getting a AAA I love FC's and they are what I have always actively tried to work towards. I'm no amazing player but it's something that I can still realistically work on beside a fulltime job and all of the real world life that means I can't spend all day mashing arrows.

Personally AAA's are too stressful to work on and take the fun out of the game, FC's are just right and mean I can still play tracks that are fun while having a realistic "completion" goal for them rather than be stuck with tracks below 20 (the area where I could realistically score AAA's) that don't really have any interesting combinations coming up as you play.

Best analogy that I can think of is it's like giving books to kids, you don't just give them books they can read every word because they're not going to learn anything, and they're going to get bored fast; you have to give them books where they can make enough sense of it but that has plenty of new words for them to look up an learn. If I felt like I was being told only AAA's were worth working to, I'd be stuck reading books with no new words; if I can continue to feel like it's worth working to FC's as a tracked metric, I get to learn so many new words.

I'm very happy with them as they are now and really wouldn't like to see them changed.
Diddley. Check. Sean. Call me what ya want, I'm still the same guy.
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