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Old 01-28-2014, 03:05 PM   #730
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Default Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by DarkZtar View Post
Nah I just needed motivation to do my placements. solo queue is terror
This is how I feel every time I play Solo Queue. I want to get better, I want to play a lot and I want to improve, but I have a huge problem with being "that guy" who fed bot lane and lost us the game. I'm just really afraid of royally screwing up and then everyone just harping on you for the next 30 minutes. That fear often has me shiver or get really nervous when the game starts. Losing is going to happen but it's hard when your mistakes were a large part of the loss. Naturally, I'd just mute them but sometimes people are telling you something specific about what to do next teamfight and you completely miss it and screw up yet again. I know the idea of getting better is to keep practising. I practiced a lot in Starcraft II and got from Gold to Masters pretty quickly, but its a 1v1 game so nobody will comment on your mistakes and it's very easy to pinpoint your mistakes.

I want to hit Diamond this season, or even Platinum V - and I've been told by a few players that I have the potential to become a player at that level (in terms of being invested in the game, learning about champions and mechanical skills), but the hours I put into the game aren't sufficient. This is completely due to my fear of being that feeder in game.

Anybody have tips on how I can overcome this? I'm currently Silver III - if that helps at all.

I've played other team games a lot - Like Counter-Strike. When I first started playing I was utter trash and was afraid to queue up into any competitive game/lobby. I was just afraid people would hate me for being bad. As a result, I always grouped up with friends and played public servers (I also commonly queue with 5 when I play Normals), because we're all friends and the environment is far less hostile. Playing normals and public matches in League and CS respectively only brought about little to no improvement. Eventually, after countless years of playing public matches I started to get better at the game, and started to venture off into competitive matches where I saw a drastic improvement in skill. Obviously I'm no longer afraid of competition in CS because I'm fairly skilled at the game now and I know that. I just don't want to have to take the same path of playing so many normals to get decent and then finally going into ranked. I could've hit higher ranks in CS had I played competitive from the start. Now I have around four or five thousand competitive matches played on ESEA and I've gotten to the top leagues, but I played around five or six thousand normal games before I even started playing competitive.

I've been playing league for about 5-6 months now and even after 300 normal games (50% w/l) I've improved slightly. I'm talking about Silver V to Silver III. Seems like an extensive amount of games to play for a small improvement. I feel if I played 300 ranked games I could have a good chance of hitting Gold V.

I duo a lot with Jesse and most of my ranked games last season were me duoing with him. Jesse generally goes on a smurf and I end up getting first pick so I secure his ADC and he gets me support. Although I gain elo playing with him it's because he wins the lane and it's not really related to my contributions. Playing solo queue and winning makes me feel like I did well, but just like every one of us I've had games where I completely lost the game for my team (be it throwing, feeding, bad call) and with the anonymity of League people will definitely let you know about it. If I wasn't cut out for this game I would've quit but people have told me I can do well with practice.

TL;DR: Want to play ranked and get good but too afraid that'll I screw up and have other players angry at me. I want tips on how to get better and drop this fear.
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Last edited by PriestREA; 01-28-2014 at 03:40 PM..
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