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Old 11-17-2019, 10:35 PM   #19
Picker @ JAX2
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Default Re: TWG 190 Postgame

i'd support game bans if there was like, a larger scene than game-to-game that could actually be maintained (this is part of why i think trying to have a tournament, or any comprehensive format right now, is a bad idea, even in the summer). i still don't think you interfere with the game in progress more than you need to, to keep it moving. replacements, ideally (assuming they don't tell me they can play and then suddenly can't play once they're in), put a warm butt in the seat to make up for the prior lack of contribution. it's one of the mechanisms that let long-form forum twg keep being a thing. 48 hours is enough time and that needs to be policed by the players. imagine replacing into a turbo !_!

obviously i know the rand, but riot's tack ended up being "i wanted to make things happen" and i continue to fail to see how this is at all wolf motivated in a game where nothing is happening. i did it last game and i think the only difference here is how we reacted to getting shit on for it. i do think it's pretty frustrating, in a golden age of inactivity, to see someone who's actually making attempts at playing get driven away from the scene like this
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