Thread: Coronavirus
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Old 09-24-2020, 08:02 PM   #384
Andrew WCY
D7 Elite KeysmasherFFR Veteran
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 253
Default Re: Coronavirus

A bit of a rant here, but hear me out.

"Keeping the death toll below a certain number?" You can't be serious... That is a statement I've heard from a few US politicians on television, and I just couldn't find myself agreeing with it at all.

The way I've interpreted that sentence is that the politicians are fine with people dying as long as the total number of deaths is lower than something. That means they're OK with anyone, including people they love, get killed by this life threatening disease. Who in their right minds would be alright with that?? My personal take on this is that we're all humans that deserve to live, even if we disagree with each other or hate each other.

I feel that a better way of saying that would be "we have been trying our best to prevent deaths from the Coronavirus." Whether that statement is accurate or not is another story, but this is more respectful to everyone than the previous statement IMO. What do you guys think?
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