Thread: Coronavirus
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Old 10-3-2020, 06:06 AM   #515
Andrew WCY
D7 Elite KeysmasherFFR Veteran
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 253
Default Re: Coronavirus

SK8R, I hate to say this, but after seeing so much effort from others trying to convey valid information and you not giving them a listen, I think you should stop.

You have no regard for how your speaking about misinformation affects others. This is a site where people of ages 13 and up come to, and they might be affected by misinformation. Would you want someone to get infected or even die from the Coronavirus simply because they got misinformed? No one in their right minds would.

Either keep the misinformation to yourself and stay silent about it, learn from valid information, or do both. You're not doing anyone a favour by spreading wrong information.
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