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Old 12-25-2020, 03:06 PM   #14
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Default Re: CosmoVibe Unreleased Packs and Charts, a Revamped Guide, and a Web Embed Library

Originally Posted by stargroup100 View Post
Btw you guys can totally post reviews
Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it!

Here are the reviews for everything except deemo and complextro:

100% nai nai nai
I would never pick this song and you probably didn't choose it because it's a good song to chart, did you? :P Technically i can hardly find anything wrong with it, but the fun factor just isn't there and it drags on for way too long! I would try to cut it to under 2 minutes and keeping the solo, while also incorporating the vocals, which offer some variation from the repetitive loop of the intrumentals. 6/10

Black Light Machine
The song is a masterpiece, with a lot of mood swings and different movements that make it interesting throughout. One weakness with this kind of song: it may create difficulty spikes in some parts while being very basic in others, diluting the challenge of mastering it to just a few choice moments. But here it's beautifully crafted and it's never too much or too little. The replay value suffers a bit from the lenght, but cutting it would compromise its epicness. 9/10

Blue Rose
It's hard to not draw comparisons to Yesssss's chart here. For me, the cut he did was both the perfect lenght and contained the most interesting part of the song. Don't get me wrong, the whole thing is awesome, and your take is definitely more modern and less rough around the edges, but the second part of the song after the ideal cut point is not only consistently harder and more convoluted, but has much less flow than the first, and not because of any fault on your part, you did the best you could with what you had. If you did a cut version of this, i would definitely play that over this one, whereas now I feel more inclined to play Yesssss's chart for the above reasons. 8/10

Bullet Timing
I've never been a big fan of this chart, but replaying it after all these years I can say that the progression at the beginning is incredibly done and overall you made it very interesting for being so short. It has a lot of replay value, altough there's a few difficulty spikes here and there. 7/10

This thing used to be hella fun for me and still is! I find it hard to believe anyone could do any better than this. Simple and effective. 9/10

Chords all Night
This has got to be one of the biggest F in your collection for me. Song is bland and uniteresting with some really subpar vocals and production, the chart focuses on minijacks too much for its own good, eventually overriding any other instruments that you could have otherwise accented. The solo offers something to work with, but again the patterning is kinda... not fun? With a cut and a different approach it might have potential. As of now, while not wrong in a technical sense, i just don't like it. 5/10

I will never forgive you for that long ass left handed trill, but yeah, it's nice. Well crafted, nothing much to say. 8/10

Crafted in Ice
Did I just get stick bugged? Was expecting something completely different from this! Not my kind of chart, but incredible sync job. 7/10

Criss Cross
I always loved how well the minijacks go with the song and how you selectively layered it so it's only crowded when the song gets intense. Smooth, reasonably challenging, very replayable, perfect lenght. 9/10

Drove through ghosts to get here
The quintessential experimental file, overall aged pretty well despite being so long and complex. Great climax and structure, sure it's not the kind of file you wanna try to score on unless you're nuts, but a milestone for sure. 8/10

This flows SO well! Sometimes when I play I enter in a bit of a trance mode, and it only happens when I feel very comfortable with what i'm playing. Really stellar job here. One note though, the song cuts just when the vocals begin and it seems what would have come after might have also been worth charting. However, the file is already awesome as is. 9/10

There is basically nothing I can find even slightly wrong with this one. Great patterns, great flow, great lenght, everything is as it should be. 9/10

For Seasons
Another gem, song itself has amazing potential which fully transpires in your rendition of it. 9/10

Hagane Kobushi Battle Agatsuki
While chordjacks aren't really my thing usually, they are tastefully done and fit the heavy theme of the song itself. Not a fan of the 12ths jumpjacks, bit they aren't too much of a nuisance. 8/10

Happy birthday to me
For the kind of content it packs and for the kind of song it is, it would have greatly benefited from being cut to at least half of its lenght. I relly dislike when the song doesn't offer you anything interesting and keeps going on and on. I often make an exception for harder files, since stamina is a factor there, but it serves no purpose here other than bore the player. Even after all this, it's still a decently fun song. 7/10

I say Yes
Nothing too fancy but it works well and it's well paced. 8/10

I'm sorry by kagami
This feels like being rickrolled, but in the weeb universe. And still, I can't really criticize the chart. Very spot on considering the source material. 8/10

Jewelry rock
Unfortunately the song is very straightforward and doesn't make for a very engaging file, but it's well done and fun enough. 7/10

I remember this one, it's one of your classics and still great fun to this day! Some 32nds are a bit awkward but overall aged like a fine wine. 8/10

kona-yta-mina-tangs altered scale
Where do you even find this shit? 7/10

I really liked the whole buildup and the climax of the song, which is pretty great, but really disliked the 4 arrows 48ths box minitrills. Anything else is very good. 8/10

Epic song and epic chart, not giving full marks because the beginning is very cumbersome with the long consecutive 12ths jack triplets. After that part it really is a journey. 9/10

Ranranran dayo
Another song i couldn't care less about and good job on the chart, but it really falls flat because of the source. 6/10

A bit too dense in some sections, but overall well crafted and extremely replayable. 8/10

Son of Sun
with all the hard beats and fast paced rhythm, this is the best chart you could do. I really like the song, but it doesn't offer many interesting rhythms. 8/10

Enjoyable enough, song is kinda annoying but that's just me. 8/10

=Karma-Fied= and =Planet Karma=
These two are on a completely different level, especially when planet karma came out it was something never seen before. Of course they are not perfect, but they have incredible detail and are a voyage of epic proportions, with what I can only guess is many many hours of work behind. Not only for their quality but for the legacy they left, I'm gonna say 9/10 for planet karma and 10/10 for karma-fied!

Last edited by Mollocephalus; 12-25-2020 at 03:11 PM..
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