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Old 05-30-2015, 06:19 AM   #265
FFR Simfile Author
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Default Re: Misc. progress thread

Been making slight tweaks to my workout here and there.

I call it BOP SQUEDLIFT AND FRIENDS because this is the only name I've been able to come up with that describes it concisely. (bench + overhead press + squat + deadlift + accessories)

The gist is that one day is bench/ohp and every accessory under the sun related to those, then another day is squat and deadlift and every accessory under the sun related to those, then rest for two days. Maybe three if it really kicks your ass, but two should be enough.

I started adding more accessories around these lifts when I got really sick of most of my work coming from a single lift, GVT-style. Doing a lot of a single exercise is suboptimal for improvement because on a given lift most of the resistance will be against whatever your weaker muscles are for that lift, so if you have a strong muscle it will not develop as quickly until the weaker muscles improve. You might as well just develop every fucking muscle related to the lift and reap the benefits.

The downside, which I don't really think is a downside, is that the workouts take forever. 1.5-2hrs for BOP and 2-2.5hrs for SQUEDLIFT. I like it this way though, because for me going to the gym is actually far more annoying than being in the gym. (I fucking hate driving; it's an elongated period of hundreds of people being in my way.)

I'm adding minor tweaks as I find certain muscles need more or less volume to grow. Also the suppversity series has brought a few exercises to my attention worth doing, both for increased mobility/comfort and better big 3 lifts. Namely:

- adductor machine (for squat mobility)
- db kickbacks on incline bench (for long head of tricep)
- lying db rotations (for rotator cuff / bench mobility)
- paused squats, fuck it I just need to do these more in general

I've been getting pretty great results so far and will post the whole thing once I've perfected it. I'm pretty far from doing that though.

Last edited by Arch0wl; 05-30-2015 at 06:30 AM..
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