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Old 12-21-2022, 05:06 PM   #62
Hairy Cabbage
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Default Re: FFRMas 2022 Token Giveaway!

Why did you join FFR and what makes you stick around?
I originally found FFR whilst searching for charts for Stepmania back when I first discovered my love of music games. I essentially stuck around because I found it to b way more convenient to simply play premade charts on the website here than deal with having to constantly keep updating my own charts etc on SM.

What is the story behind your username?
My username is effectively just a port of my original Xbox live gamer tag from back in 2007. There is no crazy story too it really other than I was trying to come up with something funny to troll my school friends with when I first got xbox live, and it ended up sticking.

Who from FFR makes a significant impact on your involvement in the community and why? (For example this can be someone from FFR you idolize/respect, an FFR rival that pushes you to improve, or a good friend from FFR that you made since joining.)
Honestly I haven't really been super active in the community over the years, but back when Thirdstyle was a thing I was very active over there, so id have to give a shout out to all my TS homies, despite not really speaking to anyone from that era anymore.

What kind of feature would you want the most in FFR? (Can be for the game or the website.)
For the game I would like to see possibly the ability to run .sm files similar to in the April fools build of the game. I heard this was planned though so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Possibly for the game/website it would be cool to be able to create and manage a custom chart playlist so you can play and share your custom charts with others on the site. Basically similar to the current "engine playlist" option, but without having to set up your own server etc. An all in one system built into the website would be pretty pog, and I'm sure a lot of the infrastructure is already in place for song submissions etc.

Last edited by Hairy Cabbage; 12-21-2022 at 05:08 PM..
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