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Old 09-10-2008, 03:56 PM   #1
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Default Orbular noteskin converted to SM4

It's true ;o

-This noteskin works on the newer version of SM4.
-192nd notes appear as 64ths (which isn't much of a bother being 3.9 does the same no matter what)
-On hold notes the orb spins really fast, I dunno why, didn't even bother to fix it being it doesn't really affect anything.
-I "think" the receptors flash offbeat with the music, I'm not sure though.
-No rolls, so when a roll does come up, it reads the default SM4 noteskins roll. I'll probably add a roll to this eventually.
-I forgot to add the mine graphic (I just realized this), so you'll have the default SM4 mines which probably look like orbs, I don't think I ever saw on mine on 4.0...I'll definitely add this, my bad -_-

I didn't use his newer freeze variant holds, I used to old plain ones, you can easily replace those 2 graphics though if you choose to.

There's already a version of this for SM4 anyway lol >_>
Edit: That version is all screwy anyway, it has the graphics all weird...
64th graphic for 12ths
12th graphic for 24ths
48th graphic for 32nds
24th graphic for 48ths
192nd graphic for 64ths
Though that's pretty easy to fix anyway.
Here's his version of the noteskin btw:
He also made a version for the older release of SM4:

I'm just trying to understand 4.0 noteskins, which is pretty damn impossible , figured I'd post this.

Last edited by [TeRa]; 09-10-2008 at 04:08 PM..
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