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Old 04-17-2012, 02:08 PM   #1
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Default Current state of MP, and thoughts to revive it.

Now for the last while MP has been rather dead and Legacy MP still seems to reighn as the top MP experience (In my books). We all grew up and loved Legacy for the longest time before Velo and his engine (And other beautiful magnificent work, respect) came along, since then of course velocity MP coming out. I've never been able to adjust nor cared to adjust to Velo MP and I feel a lot of people have been the same, thus making Lagacy MP still #1 in the MP experience for me.

Now a few points I wanted to bring up regarding MP that many old players who used to play MP are now currently unaware of and I feel that is not good. One of these points is the fact thatMULTIPLAYER IS NOW BASED ON RAW SCORE AND NOT COMBO GTS SCORE. This is kinda a big ****ing deal as back in the day MP wasn't so popular with skilled players due to mashers coming in and roflstomping everyone in a sense. Since the change over to Raw based scoring in multiplayer all of the "MULTIPLAYER LEVEL IS A TRUE BASIS OF SKILL" talk is kind of becoming more and more true as each day passes, but due to the lack of MP players it's not being well utilized at all and is not being used as a competitive quick resolution to all of these rivalries.

I'd like to note this muchly un-noticed page that is actually very neat!

This page has your personal win ratios, your total wins, your total losses and rank based on level. As you may notice a lot of the much more skilled players are naturally at the top, BECAUSE ITS ****ING RAW BASED NOW. (Subin >.>)

In light of all of this vastly unknown info a lot of people really should have known I would like to hash up an idea regarding tournaments, I feel 1V1 Multiplayer tournaments with a round robbin elimination style would be ****ING BALLER. One of my supporting arguments here would be that I feel skill is really annoying to portray when you have to play a song 500+ times in a row to AAA it. It's boring, repetative, and frustrating as ****. I for one live by a policy to never restart a song more than twice, and I much prefer the random run high scores I get, which is also I feel a more accurate way to portray skill levels of players. In my experience having a week to fret and be frantic over 1 score in a tournament is too much of a hassle.

Anyway these are some of my arguments regarding MP at this time and why more of you should play.

Also some tips for maximising PA and reducing lag on MP include

1. Turn off windows aero, this is mandatory for vista Win 7, and I assume Win 8. Do this in MP, in singleplayer, wherever. JUST DONT USE WINDOWS AERO FLASH DISAGREES WITH IT.

2. Play in a standalone, in my previous experience with legacy Standalone 8 works great, and FFRs source for SA8 is pure trash and I cant get it to work etc. Since getting my new laptop I've used Standalone flash player 9 with not a single issue whatsoever, except my PA is still shaky since getting my new laptop.

3. Play the game in lowest quality to once again reduce some lag and boost that PA. Yes the font may be harder to read but its all still there and reasonably legible. The trade in PA -> difficult reading is DEFINITELY worth it.

4. In multiplayer there are 2 different kinds of player maskings, one being note masking (The one I prefer) where if the other players song starts at the exact same time as yours (Theres occasionally a 1 second or so delay) you can see where their PA messes up, where they dump goods, or just in general you can guess approximately how well they're doing out of the corner of your eye, instead of moving your vision completely down to the score box to see their progress and risk losing your own PA as a result. There is also full Opponent masking whicbh places a big ugly black square over the other players half of the screen and that I find attrocious, and especially lolsy when you opponent breaks 1000 combo, cause the "1" from 1000 leaks over to your side anyway.

Someone make me a cool siggy?

Originally Posted by MrRubix View Post
Like, grind2 feels like what would happen if Dead and Direct had sex with Frictional Nevada and had a sick, warped lovechild on crack, and then that child took an epic dump on your lawn. That dump = grind2
Second Place in D4 of Popsicle_3000's Christmas Spectacular GG Megamon
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