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Old 04-28-2011, 10:20 PM   #1
Icarus Moth
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Default Mainstream Music

DISCLAIMER: Sorry for repeating myself A LOT. And being A little bias.

And why it’s bad.

Lil’ Wayne, Lady Gaga, Chris Brown, Rhianna, Katy Perry, and Soulja Boy are all perfect examples of what mainstream music is. They all sound the same, and they all have similar lyrics. I’m not talking about a Katy Perry and Lil’ Wayne next to each other of course, but Lil’ Wayne and Soulja Boy could be the same “artist.” Their music sounds the same with that bassy kick landing on the same beats every time, and that annoying snare roll you always hear in their “transitions.” I put the word “artist” in quotations because it is very freely thrown around in the common day. It is very hard for me to call people like Lil’ Wayne and Chris Brown, “artists.” They are not coming up with anything new, and they are not doing anything that is original, they are going with what they know and they are copying (for lack of a better word) what everyone else is doing, making it (their “music”) mainstream. I am not just talking about music here. there is mainstream physical art (i.e. painting, drawing, etc...), mainstream fashion, mainstream television, and a bunch more. Mainstream art forms hinder creativity. When mainstream artists put in your head that what everything their doing is the right way to go, then the generation it pertains to will follow that, thus losing all creativity. The point I am trying to make here that mainstream art forms are in no way, beneficial. And the media is shoving mainstream art forms down peoples throats and its slowly killing creativity and hindering people who wish to stray away from the “norm.”

Artist Statement.
The Ass-Backwards Of Mainstream.

I made this one a picture because it would be impossible to send people the same message in words. In this photo you can see a boy standing there in cloths that you would generalise as over-worn, saying, “I’m A Follower.” then you can see a group of people behind him who all look the same saying, “I’m an individual.” What this is saying is that being an individual has become the new mainstream. The media and other people have put the idea in your heads that being an individual is the good thing to do, and so everyone then states that they are individuals, but since everyone is now an “individual,” individualism is no longer the unique thing to do, and thus it becomes mainstream. The “follower” is now the unique one since being a “follower” is not the “good” thing to do so everyone gravitates away from it. This picture is showing the other “use” of mainstream art forms. The definition of original is not what is common. But if there was no common there would be no original, so there must be a common for their to be a unique. What I am saying is that there needs to be mainstream art forms for there to be not mainstream art forms. Mainstream art forms are beneficial when used as a comparison to make not mainstream art forms look good, but mainstream art forms in themselves are not good things.

P.S. I contradict myself in the second article, 10 points if you can find it.

Last edited by midnghtraver; 04-28-2011 at 10:35 PM..
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