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Old 12-31-2015, 02:09 PM   #1
The Dominator
D7 Elite KeysmasherFFR Veteran
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Default One last hurrah for 2015

After glossing over all of my scores for 2015 I was disappointed to see my overall skill hadn't really developed in the last while [insert emo nerd rage here]. Today I spent the early afternoon shoveling snow off of the back deck, came in and was exhausted, cracked open SM in a bored way just wanting to settle down play a couple files and quit. It was probably from all the physical exertion in my arms because I was instantly warmed up after one song (I'm not one of those dudes that can play dumb shit on the fly).

So for my 3rd song I try a AA goal I've wanted for a long time, and after that the session just took off..

This gave me a gigantic adrenaline rush

A lot of these were sloppy from being so jacked up but first AAs everywhere

Holyyyy shit I didn't think I could hang on

I started smiling halfway through the last run cuz I knew it was over, this is probably my fav score in recent years :struggles:

Was quite tired from WLL but for some reason I couldn't tire out on this

Still had a couple sketchy cbrushes but goddamn

I don't think I had tried this on 1.4 before but this felt pretty good

Then I tried image material and ran out of steam in the end runs and quit out, started to lose the fire etc.

Very sloppy but first AA too

Happy New Year all
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