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Old 02-25-2011, 02:16 AM   #1
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Default What would be going through your mind...

If you were hit by this little situation.

This is some back story to explain your cause for concern.

Last weekend, you're getting out of work late and you see that you've received a text message from one of your best friends saying "I'm about to do something irrational. If you're gonna be there for me, great. If not, well...".

This friend of yours is quite cynical for, what seems to be, the sake of being cynical; particularly about society. He has big trust issues, and while he's one of the most popular, well liked, out going people you know, says he feels like he has maybe two real friends that he actually cares about and actually care about him, one of them being you (outside of family). From what he's told you, the only real reason you can see for his cynicism is growing up with an abusive, pill-addict of a father. As much as he hates him for putting his mother through all the bullshit, he still visits him regularly only to eventually see him high on pills at some point. No matter how he tries to over come it, he seems to always find a way to compare himself to his father. However, the things he's complained to you about don't seem to make a connection to this childhood. He's told you that he's frequently contemplated suicide though, coming as close as putting the gun in his mouth before thinking of how much pain it would cause his mother.

You respond to the text asking for a definition of "irrational", to which he responds "I'm looking at about 135 pills... Overdose?". As soon as you get home, you call him, hoping for the best, and he answers, thankfully. If he weren't living six hours away, you normally would drive to his house. You can tell he's crying over the phone, and though he keeps repeating that he's "done" and "can't take it anymore" because he's "been there for so many people, and hasn't gotten anything back", he explains to you that he feels like he's been abandoned by his best friends and his family. He tells you that his family isn't speaking to him because he's broke (while he gives excuses like "food", you know good and well he spends his money on alcohol and clubs nearly every night). He's really upset that his two best friends aren't contacting him outside of Facebook.

(You are a college student and are very busy. At one point a few weeks ago, you got a good conversation in with this friend, and informed him that the upcoming week would be particularly busy for you. However, this friend called you in the middle of the night every night that week. You didn't answer any of those phone calls, mostly because you were asleep. You have, however, talked with him before the incident at hand.)

While your friend is talking, you're on Facebook, trying as hard as you can to get a hold of his friends at his college, telling to get to him as soon as possible. While you're consoling your friend on the phone, you're also trying to stall for as long as you can so that the people that live on campus with him can get to him.

After about an hour of calm conversation, the tension has subsided, and it no longer seems your friend is about to kill himself, and you proceed to give him the conversation he so desperately wants, not going to sleep until 5:30 in the morning. Before you hang up, you tell him about what you were doing on Facebook, and he tells you that "If I were gonna go through with it, I would have told you while I was doing it."

Nearly a week has passed since this incident. It's Thursday night, the beginning of your weekend, and you're playing your favorite video game. You're in the zone until you have to take a huge dump at 12:50. You return to your room at 1:00, very relieved, and check your phone. You have a new message received at 12:55; it's from this same friend.

"I did it. It's over."

You're by your computer, so you quickly check Facebook. The last thing your friend has posted is "I can't believe I did it..... Done.".... This was preceded fifteen minutes before with "Uhh, I don't know... Maybe... Yeah..."

What would be going through your mind right about now?

I can think of at least one thing... :/
Originally Posted by dAnceguy117 View Post
esm, you are a fucking legend
Originally Posted by Arntonach View Post
wow ur pretty
Originally Posted by MrGiggles View Post
caring should be a get-outable offense
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