Thread: Coronavirus
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Old 09-16-2020, 11:48 PM   #282
Andrew WCY
D7 Elite KeysmasherFFR Veteran
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 253
Default Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by Phillip-Kun View Post
If you’re really concerned about your health here’s a few tips:

1.Do not wear a mask.

Breathing too much carbon dioxide and not enough oxygen can compromise the immune system thus making it much easier to contract corona virus (aka the flu).

2.Avoid washing hands or using hand sanitizer.

This destroys the healthy bacteria leaving you at a major disadvantage in overcoming sickness.

3.Stay away from 5g networks.

These invisible energy waves will wreck havoc on the human immune system dramatically increasing chance of death from minor sicknesses.
I hope you're joking or being sarcastic. But if you really aren't...

For points 1 and 2, this goes against common sense: Why shouldn't we try to protect ourselves and destroy bad bacteria? Masks do act as a barrier when you're breathing, but not so much as to cause asphyxiation, unless you wear a lot of masks at once (I think). And sure, there are good bacteria on our skin, but does keeping them without washing hands really help us stay healthy? What about the bad bacteria?

For point 3, while 5G networks do emit radiation, the range of frequencies of the emitted radiation is orders of magnitude less than most other things we deem harmful, like X-rays or UV light from the Sun. Have a look at this video by ElectroBOOM (, he explains this better than I could.

Last edited by Andrew WCY; 09-16-2020 at 11:52 PM..
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