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Old 08-16-2021, 10:51 AM   #3
FFR Player
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Default Re: Definition of a FFR AA

Seems unnecessary tbh lol. Isn’t SDG basically a AA? And unless u want to score lower for tokens, that’s literally just letting the better scorers AAA until the end when they can get that I don’t play competitively often for myself, so outside looking in: it’s pointless aside from the clout of saying u got a AA. I’m know SDGs have their own reason for be excluded from this kind of scoreboard reasoning since it’s a kind of a 1/10 get if u can’t. How would u determine a AA? Getting more perfects than amazing? Would it be a percentage? Also if u do implement it, maybe make it like “perfects and amazing -only score”a limited to that same ‘1/10 get’ before the AAA. In the end if it does happen I’m looking forward to seeing my scores change and people get hyped since others will use it to work on their songs. If in the end the AAA metric is all that matters, I’d just kind of cut the idea unless u wanna hype competition. I also have no idea what metrics are like in these games coz I just go and play em, I mean as far as charting goes for this, I don’t see the relevance since for all I know judging is subjective too. Maybe it could help sort out more songs in the engine since there’s over 2k. Regardless it’s cute seeing everyone want to expand the game and I’m down to see your progress!!
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