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Old 10-15-2016, 01:03 AM   #1
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Default [4Key Minipack] untitled_unrevised



Hey, it's been a while.

untitled_unrevised is a pack of 11 charts that I never sent to any packs (or have sent to less popular ones) and I think they're okay enough to release them. Most non-dumps here are jumpstream-based charts - though significantly shorter than your typical Icy X chart. 5 of these charts are dump charts (usually speed-based) - these charts are differentiated through either a collab CDtitle or a pink CDtitle.

Keep in mind that these are just charts that I have that are unreleased or are in less popular packs. There are several other charts that are in timdam snackpack 2 (overcomplexification, Energy Flower 3007, among others) that are not in this pack, as TDSP is played kinda often. At least, I think it is.

The difficulty range is about 22-29 (not counting the 19s), though ratings can be off by 1 because I can't judge difficulty anymore. This means that a player of about low-mid D7 caliber would be able to play most of these charts, but there are a good amount of charts for mid D6 players and lower as well. Most charts are in the Challenge/Oni difficulty slot - except for easier charts or recharts of "popular" charts.

There are also no graphics to these charts - only NPS graphs, shitty mp3s and CDtitles. I don't think it was particularly necessary to have graphics - especially with the existence of result screens that show metadata. The banner used is the NPS graph of the hardest chart of each file.

Chart descriptions are down below, and in the readme.

Note: For players who have DL'd charts from this pack from my Dropbox before, DL this pack instead - this pack has the latest revisions. Most differences are minor, but there are some significant changes for charts like unravel and Odyssey.


Calamity Fortune (22) - From Jumpstream of Fighters Vol. 1 - no changes here. Broken jumpstream for the most of the chart, with a 200 BPM jumpstream section with occasional density spikes and 24th bursts. Has some short 24th runs present as well.

Everything Went Numb (24) - Bouncy broken jumpstream at 270bpm. 16th layering is questionable, but ska is questionable as a whole so it balances out.

Higan Retour -idling mix- (22) - Syncopated jumpstream chart. Has a long jumpstream section which is slightly harder than the rest of the chart (with a cute burst at the end of that section), but generally constant in difficulty. Super right-hand biased because I have sinistrophobia.

Hold Angel (27) - Rechart of the version I've made in Fullerene Shift. Lighter (and less cheatable) 16th jumpstream sections in the first half, jacks are a little more musically relevant in the back end. Chart is a lot more jack-oriented, with more deliberate patterning meant to emulate jacking motions than arbitrary ones. All in all just a lot more ergonomic than the version in FS.

Inferno (19/27) - Easier difficulty by Tim - PR'd jumpstream. Harder difficulty contains index-based jumpstreams at about 287.5bpm (195bpm 24ths) with 26th bursts. The non-choruses contain shorter 24th and 26th bursts.

Kisetsu wa Tsugitsugi Shindeiku (29) - From Lemon's Panty Shots. Hardest "speed" chart. Pretty reminiscent of a Skwid anime dump chart, but with harder stream patterning. Streams clock at 362bpm 16ths. Also a collab between Tim and I.

Night of Knights (19) - Broken jumpstream, broken jumpstream, long jumpstream, broken jumpstream, long jumpstream, you get the idea. 195bpm. Song is extremely repetitive which makes it very easy to pace, and the jumpstream bursts themselves are not quite long to begin with.

Odyssey (Au5 Remix) (24) - Burst-heavy (20ths - 28ths) drumstep chart. Think your standard EDM but more pretentious and unreadable. Very hard to time because of how hard it is to read it, more of an accuracy chart than it is a speed one. I think everyone plays shit on rates anyway so it's whatever. Difficult patterning, but not super hard.

She's Haunting Me (25) - Non-stop broken jacky 250 BPM jumpstream for 2 minutes. Contains a couple of 32nd flams and 24th/32nd bursts to accentuate the monotony.

The Violation (29) - Conservatively layered Fleshgod Apocalypse chart at 270bpm - about the density of Sapphire with some hands - easy patterning. Harder than Icy's chart from Icy X, with a higher density on average and less room to breathe. A bit right hand biased.

unravel (28) - Artsy low BPM dump chart. Starts with 32nd jumpstream with polyrhythm bursts in the first chorus, and does not let up from there - with more bursts and longer streams. Players who currently have this chart has a harder version of it (pattern-wise), so please try this version instead if you felt that the patterns were a bit too overwhelming.

Credits? I guess thanks to Tim for putting up with my bitching and moaning about how I think I'm an incompetent charter, and Lofty Rhino and Skwid for going through a couple of charts. Phil, Zyph, among other players as well for playtesting my mediocrity.

Don't think I'll make any more charts from here, but I'll have to see what happens in the future. Charting is nice escapism.

Have an enjoyee.
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