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Old 06-3-2014, 10:21 PM   #1568
FFR Player
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Default Re: League of Legends [v2]

tbh i see nothing wrong with talking about the game in general... but i'll say one thing. posting scores in a moba is as retarded as posting a sc2 "end screen" score; vids make it much more meaningful. there's a few exceptions... maybe the game ended in like 10 minutes in a ranked game in summoner's rift in a 5v5 scenario where no one dc'd. stuff like that where it NEVER happens is really funny to see a SS of but other than that seriously dudez limit them because i don't wanna open this thread to see a hugeass picture for a score that i really don't understand because 1) its a normal so i dont see what skill level your allies or your enemies were at to understand why being "25/3" is awesome and 2) at any elo there's stomps so honestly they'll never make sense to me even if i knew the skill level of you and your allies. o and if you play with a popular personality or a pro player that's always cool to SS so that's not in this definition

i mean if you wanna post them go for it but just for your realization and revelation when it comes to this game: they're p much meaningless

o and this game is filled with egotistic bastards (much like any other online game) so be sure to hear that you're bad and this or that (just like in any other online game)
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