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Old 08-23-2015, 11:43 AM   #11
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Default Re: Ask a former Arizona DDR legend anything...

Originally Posted by Zapmeister View Post
You're playing poker with a tiger, a hippopotamus, a seagull, a snail, and a raccoon. You're holding 5c 7c and the flop is Qc Kd 3c. The tiger is looking really bored and swings its tail back and forth a little bit and is staring playfully at the raccoon. It checks, with a huge grin on its face. The hippopotamus is looking really moody and grumpy, and haphazardly bets half the pot, while grunting. The seagull flies around making annoying noises; the hippopotamus gets irritated and tries to shoo it away, but the seagull is obviously mad at something it did, and minimum raises. The snail and raccoon already folded preflop. Do you fold, call, raise, or run screaming?

Where should I invest my money? The stock markets, gold, silver, copper, oil, and bitcoins have ALL been crashing hard over the last few weeks/months, and fiat is BORING. Should I just short-sell stuff instead?

Is DDR still much of a thing where you live? I live in the UK and the only DDR machines I see around are in arcades and they're crappy euromix versions from 2000-2002 that give you misses like 20% of the time making it hard to pass anything, unless you stomp REALLY, REALLY HARD, making them unplayable. Also I didn't know what DDR was until two years ago. Also how much money do you have to put inside the machines to actually get good?!

Imagine a 3x3x3 metres cubic block of medium strength cheddar cheese, with a 1x1x1 metre cubic hole inside the exact middle of the block. Now imagine you wake up inside the hole. You know where you are. How much time do you think it would take to claw/eat your way out of there? (There are small tunnels for ventilation in the block of cheese that allow you to breathe)
1) I fold because the other raccoon already did. Plus my hand is too terrible to risk that I MIGHT get another c card on the turn or river for the flush.

2) Get behind green energy and pot futures. The world will have little choice but to harness green energy and pot investing is already taking huge leaps and bounds.

3) Unfortunately there are no longer arcades here in San Francisco. The community vastly defers from state to state. San Francisco used to be considered the American hub from which the DDR scene took off. Now there's a bigger community in the middle of the desert than in all of California. Also explains how it's hard for me to keep weight off now...

Truth be told I didn't spend a whole lot of money to get good. Once I figured out I could pivot my hips (thanks to Boom Boom Dollar KOGG3 remix on DDR 3rd Mix) to hit long streams without double stepping, everything else came naturally. I estimate I spend maybe 80 bucks getting good. Once that article I linked came out, I never had to pay to play at Castles n Coasters ever again.

And don't hate. I liked a couple of the Euromixes.

4) Depends. Do I have my weed with me? Cause cheese don't stand a chance when I'm stoned.

SKG_Scintill: but apparently you're too brony to get that
SKG_Scintill: freaking jehova's witnesses of the internet
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