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Old 07-16-2022, 05:06 PM   #2
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Default Re: Songs of the Week 07/15/2022

All of these are based on watching the previews. No playing was done.

Friendly wolf imho is a really bad file, though it tried to keep the roll walls less silly, I think GS calling it a "tech" file is... imho inaccurate.

Some extra details so it's not just me shitting on it:

1. Roll walls. This file is literally littered with them in uninspiring ways. Some graces sprinkled into the intro do not a tech file make. There's nothing really in the rest of it that'd let me give it that label. I'd just refer to it as the rollwallrng file tbh.
2. The pattern at 906 combo is disgustingly awful, it also makes some of the walls technically wrong. (I get what the charter is doing here in trying to denote the difference in sound - but it's inconsistent, and wrong.)
3. The long jacks ~193ish should have been mini jacks.
4. The outro 8th jacks have no business being that given the pitch shifts. Those ones are horribly obvious.
5. I'd love to check over ~406's roll pattern in editor, I'm 75% confident its wrong. I'm willing to be wrong here 'cause video preview though.

D2's I'd skip on song choice tbh. But that's a personal thing. File seemed fine. Would prefer to one and done it though.
D3's as far as songs from that boring band are, the file looked fine.
D4's song has a doubled BPM for no explainable reason. Otherwise that file looks fun as fuck and super solid.
D6 A bit too dense imho, nothing really gets to shine through rhythmically on this. It's not bad, but I'd love to see the nontourney catering difficulty one. A spicy easier file could get made here. Except that one handed 24th early on, get that outta there. Rest was good.
D7's file looks like a well tuned work. I wish I was able to play and enjoy that one. It looks good with the right flavor put where it ought to be.
D8's looks like the same level of care went into this as D7's. I'm curious if they altered the colour of the wall to make it less rng for the player, and often I'd not make this assumption, but there's a lot of fun details (I see those 192nds buddy, clean) that'd make me assume this.

If I had to pick between dummy, and friendly wolf as the worst file in tourney so far, it'd be friendly wolf, it dethrones pretty handedly. But these are totally my own thoughts on them.

Edit: Actually wanna add in a thought - I usually like the easier files and dislike the harder ones, and it's very weird having a bit of a shift on that.

Last edited by XelNya; 07-16-2022 at 05:07 PM..
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