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Old 10-7-2006, 08:47 PM   #17
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Default Re: So I was B12 deficient.

Originally Posted by Chrissi View Post

And well, different people have different tastes. You think veggies taste nasty? I think meat tastes nasty and I always have. Even from the youngest ages, I wouldn't eat steak, liver, or anything else like that because I thought it was disgusting. Sometimes I'd try a bit, but it would still be disgusting. The only meats I liked were chicken, seafood, and the stuff they put in tacos, but that's because of the spices they use - the taste of the meat itself is disguised. You can flavour tofu the same way and it tastes pretty much identical. Oh and I LOVE vegetables. I ate nothing but raw vegetables for two weeks and was very enthusiastic about it. But my tastes swing all over the place.. right now I'm hooked on candy :\

I don't know if I've told this story before... but at first it was hard for me to give up chicken. I really did like it a lot. But I don't have a taste for it anymore. It tastes weird now. As would be expected. It could be my mindset, whatever....

but yeah, I understand different people have different tastes. Vegetarianism was very natural for me, as I've never in my life actually liked most meat. But for others, like, you said, vegetables are disgusting. Meh. Different people...
I kinda know how you feel/felt. I've never been much of a meat fan in my life and I pretty much have only ever eaten chicken, turkey and seafood. I'm in a big meat-eating country now though (look at location: bolivia :P) right at the point where I am starting to not like that stuff. But as far as I'm concerned I don't really have all THAT much of a choice of what I eat... just the amount of said food that I eat... considering I'm living in someone else's house and all. >.< I still like dairy products and I probably will for the rest of my life. My body has never been accustomed to eating beef/pork/other meat like that all the time though and I'm having digestive problems because of it (plus the fact that almost every time I eat meat here it's at least a little red still most of the time... or a lot red sometimes >.<).

edit: ok I remember what else i was going to say now.

Since I got here (about 2 months ago now) I have had a pain in my right wrist when I move it up and down far enough, like a jabbing/stabbing pain (more the former than the latter). I looked up the symptoms for carpal tunnel and b12 deficiency (because your thread reminded me of it) and a bunch of other wrist problems but I couldn't find anything. yeah pretty pointless contribution but oh well

Last edited by qualy; 10-7-2006 at 08:53 PM..
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