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Old 05-14-2006, 09:00 PM   #44
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Default Re: I played DDR for the first time ever today

Originally Posted by Shashakiro
gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah die die die

I can't hit that pattern at all. I keep trying to without doublestepping and miss every time...

I'll keep trying it though...I'll get it eventually.

And plus, the pad is kinda crappy...especially the right arrow. To hit a freeze on it, I have to pull up on the pad while pushing down on the arrow with all my might for the duration of the freeze. Just standing and not pushing down really hard on it gives me a NG 100% of the time...

And by the way, how how HOW do you hit L D R U or R D L U without doublestepping? The only way I could think of is spinning completely around, which I wouldn't even bother attempting because I'd probably get 3 misses right there another way I'm not seeing?
The trick to the LURULURL or any variation of that is to be able to shift your weight around from one foot to the other. You need to move your body aswell, isntead of just moving your feet while your body stays in the center like you normally do. It feels a bit weird at first, but once you get the hang of it it's easy Hope that helps.
clairmai lol hvam lol
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