Thread: FFR fiction!
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Old 12-28-2005, 01:56 AM   #23
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Fuck intros

Chapter 8

Jewpin leaned over to Lightdarkness and pushed on his metal shoulder pad. “Hey man wake up.”
Lightdarkness shifted and muttered something in a semi-human fashion. Jewpin wrinkled his nose. Days sweating inside armor had not exactly made Lightdarkness a treat for the nose. “LD time to get your ass outa bed.” Jewpin playfully took the tone of a drill sergeant. “Get up!”
“Yes Mother.” LD muttered.
Jewpin froze uncomfortably. “Uh, LD, its me… Jewpin.”
Lightdarkness shot up, discarding all blankets, and stood towering over Jewpin. “Yes, of course, I-I… was just testing you.”
“Testing me for what?”
“Uh, loyalty.”
“Loyalty to what?”
“Umm… Loyalty to the King of course!”
“Oh, did I pass?”
“That’s good.”

Half an hour later Jewpin, Lightdarkness and Boogiebear were in the dining room discussing travel plans.
“LD,” Jewpin started tentatively, “I was wondering, if I could accompany you on your journey.”
Jewpin had thought this out long before. When your stranded in a strange land with no money or shelter you tend to hold on to any advantages you had. Lightdarkness was one of these advantages. Jewpin had been frightened by the lizardmen and when Lightdarkness had so easily defeated them it just seemed like the safest choice to stick by the knight. Jewpin preferred to look at it as practical decision making instead of what his subconscious was telling him: cowardice.
Lightdarkness looked at Jewpin strangely, “Do you not have a family or friends?”
Jewpin let his gaze wander around the room without really looking at anything. “Uh… they’re all, dead?” He said it like a question. “I mean, they passed away, my family, passed away. Yeah and my friends… uh… they died too.”
Lightdarkness’s eyes welled up with tears. “Oh my dear Jewpin, of course you may come!”
Jewpin breathed a sigh of relief, he felt slightly guilty at Lightdarkness’s reaction but what was he supposed to do?
“Where exactly are you two going?” Boogiebear inquired.
“I am on a quest to find the legendary sword of Synthlight, Omeganitros.” Lightdarkness replied with dramatic finality.
Boogiebear seemed skeptical, “Omeganitros? Do you really believe that it exists?”
“I must have faith, without faith there is no hope.” Lightdarkness said with a tone of exasperation
“What do you need to hope for.”
Jewpin tuned out as Lightdarkness recited his story. He still had his doubts about the whole thing.

“Goodbye, all of you!” The Blacksmith was jubilant.
Goodbye.” said Fishfish in monotone. Jewpin had noticed that Fishfish had lost some of his excitability and sunny disposition, but he did not take too much notice.
Earlier in the day Jewpin, Lightdarkness and Boogiebear had gone to the local store and bought provisions with money lent from the Blacksmith, Lightdarkness had promised to pay him back after he was done with his quest. Jewpin was puzzled after Lightdarkness refused to buy any clothes and stay in his helmet-less armor but Lightdarkness simply replied. “How will people know I am a knight without my armor?”
Boogiebear had decided to travel with Jewpin and Lightdarkness since her business was in the next town on their way. Jewpin had asked her about what her business was but she always seemed to change the subject and Jewpin always fell for it cursing himself after he realized what was going on. They stopped by the Smith’s shop to tell him and Fishfish goodbye and went on their way.

The road out of the village was dirt surrounded by a pine forest. No matter how long they walked it still seemed like the same dirt surrounded by the same pine forest. Jewpin asked Lightdarkness when they would reach the next town and where they would go from there.

“In two days. Then we go two the mountains.” was Lightdarkness brisk response
It had gotten dark, Lightdarkness had suggested that they set up camp. Jewpin in a brief fit of generosity had decided to fetch kindling for the fire, after being assured that lizardmen do not patrol this part of the forest by Lightdarkness.
Kindling was rare close to the campsite so Jewpin had search quite a distance from the campsite for suitable firewood.
Tramping through the forest Jewpin looked up at the stars between the branches. He never was one for astronomy but he thought that they looked quite a bit different from his time. He wondered if the galaxy had really shifted that much in seven hundred years. His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice, but it was not Lightdarkness or Boogiebear.

To be cont…

He who angers you conquers you. ~Elizabeth Kenny
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