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Old 10-15-2023, 09:25 PM   #58
T-Force's Rival
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Default Re: how's life been guys

Originally Posted by xxXitsunexx View Post
I graduated university with a bachelor's in engineering and have been working as a business analyst for 2 years now, however, I still feel like I'm going nowhere in life tbh.

I also have been having a lot of negative events happen to me: my winter white hamster passed away in March, broke up with my ex from a 5 year relationship, my salary got cut, just recently got out of 2 months worth of hell of working unpaid overtime (working up to 12+ hours a day), and have been physically ill for a while.

As for the positives, well, at least I'm living as my authentic self now and have a beautiful girlfriend who loves me dearly. I'm also super relieved that I've managed to have a glow-up after all these years.

I'm currently working on improving my mental and physical health. One of the reasons I came back to check on FFR after not being here for so long was to feel the "happy nostalgia" vibes and reconnect with a few friends from back in the day.

Anyways, it's nice to see some people I'm familiar with still here and thriving. I wish you all the best!
I'm surprised you say that you're going nowhere in life if you're (presumably) working in a lucrative field. Do you like your job?

I'm not sure why you're physically ill, but if there's no known cause at this point, then it could be stress. I've been going through the same thing. I'd offer you some advice on that but like it's hard to change the things in your life that do cause you stress, you know?

Sorry about the breakup but it looks like you're doing well now with your new partner

Edit: Not sure what your insurance situation is but therapy could be affordable if your work gives you bomb insurance. I think I gotta go back 'cause of my physical stuff which is lame 'cause I was actually DoNe.
Originally Posted by MixMasterLar View Post
is funny eaman?
Can you like not use those stupid names right now? Took me long enough to get these screen names straight in my head
Originally Posted by the sun fan View Post
(eaman is her name irl, friend)

Last edited by Funnygurl555; 10-15-2023 at 09:26 PM..
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