Thread: StepCon 2023
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Old 10-15-2023, 06:30 PM   #49
Difficulty Consultant
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Default Re: StepCon 2023

Class A

Too hard for me to play/judge fairly

Too hard for me to play/judge fairly

Undeniably a pretty chart, lots of cool bursts and colors. But if you're using all these fancy bursts to represent the swishy sounds in the background, it makes it harder to follow the more important sounds.

I like the quirky patterns in the first have that effectively capture the glitchy nature of the song. I found that the increasing density in the second half takes away from this feel .

Really solid, not much to pick apart here but I like it.

The way some of the sounds were represented was interesting and creative, but is this supposed to be a smooth/chill kind of chart or a more aggressive one? Some of the bursts and minijacks felt jarring when surrounded by streamy patterns.

This one did the best job of capturing the rhythms and intensity curve of the music by focusing on the more prominent sounds. As a bonus, it's playable for more of us.

Class C

I'm not sure if gluts/chordjacks are the most fitting pattern to use in the outer sections, but the middle part with the bursts is really fun.

A well-constructed vocal dump, not so much in line with the FFR meta but it plays nicely.

Very aggressive tech dump. I'm not a fan of this charting style but hey, there's definitely an audience for it.

Very good and polished chart, not much to say here other than good job.

Very much an abstract/dump approach but I have to say a lot of the patterns are pretty cool.

The standout in this class IMO, really good attention to detail with how sounds are represented and a lot of interesting patterns.

A jack file is not what I'd expect from this song, but what can I say, I had fun playing it.

Class D

I think I know who made this so yeah, probably not what FFR is looking for but it works just fine as a dump file. The colored jacks were a nice touch.

A blast from the past... all that jumpchain stuff is actually pretty fun despite not fitting the current FFR meta, though it does suffer from some technical errors (lack of PR, missing notes and so on)

That's... that's some patterning alright. Not sure what to say about this one but you get points for uniqueness!

This is pretty much how I'd expect most people to chart the song. That could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how you look at it... maybe it's better to do something that stands out more? Either way, very solid entry.

Very polished and great sense of structure, jacks are used to build up tension in the more climactic parts.

Pretty colors... perfectly fine easier approach, nothing wrong with how the chart plays but I do feel the colors can get a little distracting/overbearing in some places.

Class E

A straightforward approach like this is fine, although there's not much to make it stand out. But I did notice some inconsistencies in the layering, mainly with whether or not jumps are used to represent the stronger drum beats.

Tasteful dump approach, plays quite nicely. Some of the rolls get a little monotonous and maybe could use more variation but otherwise I like it.

Very polished, effectively represents the song's rhythmic quirks.

Most of the chart plays well, but I found the streamy patterning in the middle section to detract from the swingy nature of the song. Some layering issues as well.

I was confused by some of the patterning choices - there are some good ideas, but many of the rhythmic fills and prominent beats are missing or represented in a way that isn't clear.

Most of this plays nicely and captures the feel of the song very well, but the ending confused me a bit - what do the green notes go to? why the abrupt cut?

I would suggest re-thinking the overall structure and difficulty curve of the chart. Some parts felt underlayered and did not emphasize the stronger beats, in a way that didn't feel consistent with the intensity of the music.

Interesting pattern choices, I can tell a lot of thought went into this, but I did find that some of the one-handed patterning and minijacks into hands felt unnecessarily spiky.
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